2.1 Keybindings are all kinds of messed up

Since I'm an esdf over wasd player, I'm used to rebinding keys, but this is really messed up.

So, you still cannot bind any normal controls to T from the ingame interface, while using a qwerty keyboard.

Like wise, vehicles will return an error trying to bind something to S, but wiping out all vehicle controls did allow me to successfully rebind S.

Stuntjock/Vehicle quick exit still remains on F when rebinding in game, it must be changed through r6/config/inputUserMappings.xml.

Changing the primary interact key fails to rebind select dialog from F, despite the inputUserMappings.xml clearly having it labeled to be overridden by selectChoice, so this has to be manually rebound as well.

Manually rebinding UI or minigame controls results in the game crashing on main menu.
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