Alice in Wonderland

This is how I imagine cyberspace {CP-2077 Gameplay}. it looks like a paradise, an ideal city but it is in fact; hell.
in the game, cyberspace should have looked like this. Alt being the mistress of the place, creating and demolishing, at her discretion, what you see but also the virtual universe that surrounds you.
Johnny would have been, both in heaven and hell.
Heaven and hell, that's how I see this universe, where all the lies and the truth pass, the worst designs of humanity; between power, pleasure, war and lust.
cyberspace is simply the twisted visions of a humanity so near and so far from itself.
{Dante Alighieri} had imagined hell, his visions in this more or less visionary journey in {the Divine Comedy}.

if that's what Dante dreaded; cyberspace is its very essence.
besides, does not the essence of the human being reside in thought, good or bad?

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