The "Canon" Ending of V's story in Night City


After replaying the game again, and paying extra close attention, I began thinking what could be the definitive "canon" ending to V's story in Night City. Let me remind y'all, this is MY opinion on the matter. If you disagree, I respect it, but please be civil about your reasons for disagreeing, alright? OK, in my eyes, I truly believe "The Star" ending in which V leaves with the Aldecaldos is the canon ending.

Throughout the game, if the player visits Misty to have her read V's tarots, the tarots correctly foreshadow the events that'll unfold in V's life, or rather, the player can choose to avoid (aka. the other endings based on the player's choices and actions). And out of all the endings, The Star is the only one with a positive result. During the ending credits, Misty reads another tarot for V and the results are positive, and Misty says that "V would be living a good life ahead in the Badlands". Now, here's where it gets tricky. Sure, Misty could be referring to the six months that V seemingly has left, but seeing how positive she was, and how she never referenced the timestamp, I believe that V could live through it.

Something caught my attention, which happened during V's first meeting with Alt in the cyberspace. Alt is an A.I. now, and with that, Alt only believes in the logistics and mathematics of the situation. Only logic and numbers were "right" and "proof" enough for her for basically anything. But then, something that most players either don't remember or brush over, is how Johnny says that Alt never "banked in the human factor" of things. Alt believed she couldn't infiltrate Mikoshi alone, but with the "human factor", what was once impossible, became possible. Maybe the "human factor" that Johnny mentioned can apply to V's situation. Alt says that it was inevitable that V would die if he returned to his body, but like Johnny said, Alt never counted in the "human factor". V could very well use Panam's contacts outside of Night City to find a way to save his life.

Also, in The Star ending, V says how Vik's drugs were "working better now", which shows that while the effects weren't stopped, the medicine was delaying or repressing... whatever it is that's going in V's body. Besides Night City, we don't know almost absolutely nothing about the Cyberpunk-verse. I'm certain that Night City isn't the "be-all-end-all" of the game's lore. Panam could be right in finding a cure for V's condition away from the city.

One might argue that the Moon ending or the ending in which V becomes a Legend in the Afterlife could be the canon ending since it might help him find a cure, but as I mentioned, Misty's tarots seem rather bleak and negative even in those endings. The Star ending is the only one with positive results, and Misty's tarots proved truthful in the forashadowing of events.


The reason David's story ended in tragedy is because David became too obcessed with chrome and becoming a "big shot" in Night City's underworld. Or, he became obcessed with accomplishing Lucy's dream at the cost of his own life. At the beginning of the story, V was most likely the same as David. Hungry and determined to prove himself in Night City. But after losing Jackie, V slowly realizes that his ideals of becoming a "legend" were worthless. Through his meetings with Panam, Judy, etc. etc. V probably realizes there were things more important than his legacy. V managed to find a way out while David didn't. As Lucy herself said, David was always living the dreams of other people instead of his own, and that was his downfall. V abandoned his death sentence of a dream and that prevented him from suffering the same fate as David.


Let's talk about a possible sequel for Cyberpunk, however many years that'll be until then. Let's be honest, the majority of the people here and over the world got introduced to this series through the video-games. I'm sure that there a lot of people that have been following the series since it first started as a pen and paper RPG series, and Night City was always the location of the lore and stories. But now that the franchise has grown into video-games, and an anime series (which is blowing up at the moment), this is CDPR's chance to expand the Cyberpunk universe to other places. I'm certain that we'll see a sequel eventually, and in my eyes, the right choice is to have it take place away from Night City to expand the verse. V and the Aldecaldos were heading towards Tucson. Sure, it's a real-life city, but since the Cyberpunk universe is WAY different than the real world, they could literally create a different enviroment from the real city of Tucson to fit with the "futuristic" set of the universe. Sure, they could still make a sequel in Night City, but the landscape and enviroment would be largely the same, albeit with some changes of course, but the location would still be the same, and not as intriguing.

I'm certain that V would still be the protagonist of the sequel, in which we try and find a cure for him. The same "I want to become a Legend" story in the sequel wouldn't hit as hard since both V and David went through the same, and both lost a lot along the journey. The sequel should make V the "exception" to the rule of which a Merc of Night City can indeed have a happy ending. Kinda similar to Arthur Morgan's story in Red Dead Redemption 2 (hopefully with a better ending to his story). Introduce new characters (maybe returning ones, too, depending).

Maybe I'm rambling too long, but I wanted to put this out there. It's been on my mind for a while. Again, if someone disagrees, I respect your opinion, but please be civil about it.
I really hope V is the protagonist of the sequel.

But my suspicion is that Alt will have destroyed Mikoshi and crippled Arasaka.

But V? V disappeared.
An interesting take. A fun thread too.

Honestly, I'd question the necessity for a "canon" ending.

If any future content extending past the base game end point appears in the pipe it could leverage the existing life-path concept. Allow the player to start at any one of the base game end states and make all of them converge to the same point. It would no doubt present challenges. It's not exactly an insurmountable task though (Suicide is a tough nut to crack but could be cleverly navigated around). Provided specific events and characters involving the end world states are kept out of the picture.

The parts before the convergence point could even be streamlined to simplify the process. Perhaps a montage similar to what happened with Jackie and V upon arriving in NC. Depict the end points in the base game and show them converge this way. Instead of making it playable content. This approach would probably receive a mixed (probably poor) response though.

Option 3 would be to let it remain a mystery.

If I did have to pick a single ending.... I'll go with any ending where V ends up in the digital land of cyberrainbows and unicorns. Perhaps V acquires a new body somehow. Maybe Johnny gets his new ride (V's body) cloned. Perhaps a different host body (willing or unwilling... either works). Secure another chip, plop digital V on it, slot it in the body, shoot them in the face in just the right way, wait until their consciousness gets kicked to the curb. <-- Sounds like a "cure" to me. Unwilling hosts would probably be the best bet. It might take a number of attempts to get the shooting in the face part right. The moral dilemma, oh my.
I mean CDPR could always pick one ending and proclaim it canon and move from there. But something tells me that V's story is done and we're free to imagine how it ended ourselves.

The next game will probably be a fresh start, new character, new people to meet and things to discover. And I think it's the right thing to do.

Don't get me wrong though, IF we do get to continue V's story I'll be more than happy to do so.
V is my character and I want to continue to build on the relationships established in this game.
I hear you. The question remains whether they'll decide one of the multiple endings to be canon or not. To be honest the amount of different outcomes alone makes me think CDPR never intended to continue V's story. That's obviously just a speculation on my part.

As as I said above I wouldn't mind if V returns in the next game, at all, that's mean the cure was found and despite all the hardships there was a happy ending (well happy in the scope of the CP universe at least).

Quick EDIT:
I forgot to account for the upcoming expansion, that might change/shift things around of course.
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I hear you. The question remains whether they'll decide one of the multiple endings to be canon or not. To be honest the amount of different outcomes alone makes me think CDPR never intended to continue V's story. That's obviously just a speculation on my part.

As as I said above I wouldn't mind if V returns in the next game, at all, that's mean the cure was found and despite all the hardships there was a happy ending (well happy in the scope of the CP universe at least).

I think Mikoshi being destroyed and Yorinobu as head of Arasaka will be canon. That fits most of the endings except for the obvious "Bad" one.

Guest 4412420

Throughout the game, if the player visits Misty to have her read V's tarots, the tarots correctly foreshadow the events that'll unfold in V's life, or rather, the player can choose to avoid (aka. the other endings based on the player's choices and actions). And out of all the endings, The Star is the only one with a positive result. During the ending credits, Misty reads another tarot for V and the results are positive,
The tarot cards in the Sun ending are: Strength, Emperor and the World. While, Misty's reading does lean into "blaze of glory" these aren't negative cards. Strength in particular is a good card to get and it implies overcoming challenges.

But then, something that most players either don't remember or brush over, is how Johnny says that Alt never "banked in the human factor" of things. Alt believed she couldn't infiltrate Mikoshi alone, but with the "human factor", what was once impossible, became possible. Maybe the "human factor" that Johnny mentioned can apply to V's situation. Alt says that it was inevitable that V would die if he returned to his body, but like Johnny said, Alt never counted in the "human factor". V could very well use Panam's contacts outside of Night City to find a way to save his life.
Maybe that human factor is Rogue and Weyland or maybe V themself.

This is a second time you're making a very similar thread, and I'm still unsure why you're insisting that only one ending could be made canon or continued in a sequel when people had discussed and theorized many times how multiple endings could be used as starting points. Not everyone picked Panam's ending. Plenty of people didn't.

As far as I'm concerned, either as many as possible endings get accounted for or none at all.
The tarot cards in the Sun ending are: Strength, Emperor and the World. While, Misty's reading does lean into "blaze of glory" these aren't negative cards. Strength in particular is a good card to get and it implies overcoming challenges.

Maybe that human factor is Rogue and Weyland or maybe V themself.

This is a second time you're making a very similar thread, and I'm still unsure why you're insisting that only one ending could be made canon or continued in a sequel when people had discussed and theorized many times how multiple endings could be used as starting points. Not everyone picked Panam's ending. Plenty of people didn't.

As far as I'm concerned, either as many as possible endings get accounted for or none at all.

I'm a writer in RL, so I admit you could probably bring together V's storylines in an awkward way. KOTOR 2 would probably be a good way of starting it.


"You wake up in a hospital room in a white sheet. Your character has no idea how they got there. A mysterious Night Corp employee walks in and asks you questions"


* I'm a Corpo/Nomad/Street Kid
* I romanced Panam/Judy/River/Kerry/No One
* I gave my body up to Johnny/Went down in the Blaze of Glory/Went with the Nomads

Guest 4412420

I'm a writer in RL, so I admit you could probably bring together V's storylines in an awkward way. KOTOR 2 would probably be a good way of starting it.


"You wake up in a hospital room in a white sheet. Your character has no idea how they got there. A mysterious Night Corp employee walks in and asks you questions"


* I'm a Corpo/Nomad/Street Kid
* I romanced Panam/Judy/River/Kerry/No One
* I gave my body up to Johnny/Went down in the Blaze of Glory/Went with the Nomads
CDPR actually did pretty much this in TW3. Geralt gets asked questions while he's being shaved and his responses reflect TW2's major decisions. They're not above such awkward methods. It could work for Cyberpunk too, assuming the endings will matter in any way in the sequel.

I think an awkward solution is still preferable than disregarding most options.
In Witcher 3, they let you pick your ending from Witcher 2, which actually informed quests and plot stuff and NPC responses in Wticher 3.

So it's doable and there is precedence.

CDPR has refused to claim any 2077 ending as canon. Your V, your ending.
I never played the Witcher games (2077 was actually my introduction to CDPR), and since they've done this method before, maybe that could be plausible for a Cyberpunk sequel. Each player continues with their respective endings. Although, some of V's endings are greatly different from the others. If a player has V leave NC with the Aldecaldos, and the other goes to the Moon, or V offs himself, they can't exactly follow the same formula. Again, I never played the Witcher games, so I don't know the endings to that game are similar in terms of affecting the story like 2077 did.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong (because I could be wrong^^), but if I remember in TW3, the questions/answers about TW2 mostly concerning characters fates (Aryan La Valette, Vernon or Iorveth, Triss, Phillipa, Letho, Anaïs, Saskia), but it doesn't really change the world itself. A little like in about Cyberpunk if they asked about romances, Meredith/Anthony, Netwatch/VDBs, saving Goro, sparing Oda,... So it's not a problem concerning V :)

But in Cyberpunk the endings really change the "world" itself.
For example just (mostly) Arasaka :
- Devil : Saburo is alive (and immortal), Mikoshi & "Save Your Soul" still exist (Saburo prove that everyone can be immortal, at condition to side with Arasaka and to pay...), Soulkiller still operating. In short, Arasaka is more powerful than ever and reinforce its place as a world leader.
- Sun (and other ones) : Saburo is dead, Mikoshi, "Save Your Soul" and Soulkiller does not longer exist, Arasaka lost billions of eddies and the majority of its influence on world most powerful poeple, Yorinobu can continu to sabotage Arasaka from within, as he planned from the start. So in short, Arasaka is weaker than ever (or almost) and probably also lost its world leadership.

Except by ignoring completely Arasaka in the sequel, it seem difficult to me to "merge" Cyberpunk endings.
I never played the Witcher games (2077 was actually my introduction to CDPR), and since they've done this method before, maybe that could be plausible for a Cyberpunk sequel. Each player continues with their respective endings. Although, some of V's endings are greatly different from the others. If a player has V leave NC with the Aldecaldos, and the other goes to the Moon, or V offs himself, they can't exactly follow the same formula. Again, I never played the Witcher games, so I don't know the endings to that game are similar in terms of affecting the story like 2077 did.

I mean if V offs themselves, I doubt that ending will be considered canon.


Mind you, any sequel will probably have to choose between the contradictory endings of The Devil and the OthersTM.
Personally I hope the ending where V shot himself, and killing that parasite is canon, so CDPR can move the story away from anything dealing with Johnny Silverhand. I want a sequel were we actually play a mercenary, and the story is actually about being a mercenary.
Personally I hope the ending where V shot himself, and killing that parasite is canon, so CDPR can move the story away from anything dealing with Johnny Silverhand. I want a sequel were we actually play a mercenary, and the story is actually about being a mercenary.

Good to know.

Me: Man, I really hope Johnny is in the next game. :)
Maybe I'm rambling too long, but I wanted to put this out there. It's been on my mind for a while. Again, if someone disagrees, I respect your opinion, but please be civil about it.
Nah, it's cool to put it here.

Cyberpunk 2077 is made for a player. Everyone's xp is of their own and all the same valid. That an ending is more commonly liked than others, doesn't make it more valid. Also, whether V dies or not, in some endings that is left to the player to interpret as they wish.

Mine is the Secret Sun ending, corpo start:

It starts with V puking from work-induced stress, before tottering through a lobby like a beaten panting lapdog to their rather dull boss to do as they say and knowing all along that it was a very bad idea.

Soon, Arasaka and the circumstances will have taken all of it, including Jackie.

By the ending of the game, it is V who has come back a-`nocking at Arasaka doors in a one-person raid, storming through that same lobby, to the core of Arasaka ops, turning the corporation into ruins. That's not enough, soon V launches a new raid at the Crystal Palace. And the rest is my imagination, of hunting down what's left or Arasaka till Jackie gets a proper burial. Then declaring a war on Scavs, Tygers and the 6th Street in one go. The police and Militech look at each other as they are next.

I guess being a legend is my jam, ;) and it does consume everything else V might have been. My V wakes up alone that morning before the Crystal Palace raid.
I don't think we'll get a definitive "Cannon Ending" as far as V's ultimate fate goes. That will probably remain a legend told around NC. Unless CDPR decides to throw a curveball and say screw it V is alive and well and in the new game,

I think they'll need to find a way to keep V's fate a mystery, but also answer some questions. The big issue is who is alive and who's not, and the state of Arasaka. Some of those factors might eliminate some endings from being the "Cannon" one, so it's a tricky situation. They could go the Witcher route and have some sort of intro question thing, but that works much better with V as the protagonist. If it's a new character, why would they have the answers? They could also just ask you to choose an ending to populate the world based on what you pick. But that's probably too much work.

My best guess, Is they either ignore it almost completely minus a rumor or two and some gossip and references but nothing definitive. That gives them the most freedom to just make a new game with a new story just in the same setting. OR they pick an ending based on which characters they want to include, and how powerful Arasaka is in the current state of the world, which will probably depend on exactly how much the Arasaka Millitech conflict plays into the story of the sequel.

Of course, Male V, Romanced Panam, Sun ending, is the happiest feel-good ending that makes the most narrative sense (as far as happy goes). So, if they don't make a cannon ending and you want some hope you can go with that. Don't Fear the reaper is pure badass ending mission regardless of anything else, it's just screw it 1 person against the odds, ticking clock, madness, of a mission no matter what other choices you've made, plus the bonus that none of your friends need to die (although Judy leaving NC if you romanced her kinda sucks) They're mostly good endings from a writing point, even if they're not "Happy" so you can always just choose your favorite, at least until the sequel makes one definitive, or at least eliminates some based on world events.
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