There is a bug with the Columbarium placing incorrect niches for what happens during the ACT I "The Pickup" mission.
Yet in the Columbarium the game says Brick died, while Royce and Dum Dum's niches are nowhere to be found. Either it's simply bugged no matter what or sparing Dum Dum confuses the script into thinking the player sided with Maelstrom.
- Royce was shot immediately during the dialogue standoff
- Dum Dum, Kurt and Lars all survived the battle
- Brick was rescued

Yet in the Columbarium the game says Brick died, while Royce and Dum Dum's niches are nowhere to be found. Either it's simply bugged no matter what or sparing Dum Dum confuses the script into thinking the player sided with Maelstrom.

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