Can't Complete Suspected Organized Crime Activity at Watson

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As title states, I can't complete this job! Still says "Secure the area. Use of force permitted."

So I have come back again and again to this Suspected Organized Crime Activity located beside the Goldsmith St. quick travel point to try to complete it. This NCPD job is located in Little China of Watson. I have tried throwing grenades about the place to perhaps flush out an enemy spawned in a wall or something, switched off all surveillance cameras, used distractions with the machines all over the place, etc. The main mission objective box (as seen in the picture below) has been opened. I don't see any enemies around.

Up to now, while searching for solutions, I have only seen another person bring up this issue on another forum.

Any help on how to get over this is much appreciated. I am a completist and this is really bugging me.


After the big 1.2 with this in the patch notes -
  • Fixed an issue where some NCPD Hustles were not marked as finished after looting the objective container.
I was really looking forward to this being fixed, but unfortunatelyit hasn't. As you can see, the looted objective container is there, and I have pinged all over, destroyed stuff, tossed grenades, etc. but can't get this solved. Really disappointed as can't get achievement and 100% clear.

Has anyone encountered a workaround for this?


  • 2021-04-04_01.jpg
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Anyone can help with this please? Really would like to find a workaround for this. Hotfix 1.21 today didn't do anything to fix this. Am open to cheats and hacks too just to get this cleared and also to get achievement.
Thanks Senpup.
I just came back here after updating 1.22's Hotfix. Still the same issue. I really am open to other alternatives such as hacks, noclip/wallclip, etc. just to get this done. Anybody who managed to solve this issue please please share a workaround!
I am interested in this as well. I "completed" this job on the game's first version and every time I step on here I try to look for something but it seems like it does not do anything. Completely broken...
I also had this issue.
I scanned the camera and saw a place where there are enemies. it helped me figure out which enemies I've missed
Ok first of all let me just say that the amount of registration and security/2FA required to login in this site is absurd, it's a game forum - not the IRS mainframe lol. Now that I got that out of my system, let me ask OP a question - are you using a certain launcher with a certain attachment to eliminate the enemies in this market? If so, they are not actually "dead" to the game, you need to go back and put a bullet in each enemy (you will know because you will still collect exp from each one that is not eliminated) until the skull icon disappears and the mission is complete. It took me a while to figure out but by accident I noticed a body that was still highlighted in red during a ping or something and started checking them all - to my surprise there were a bunch that were "down" but not "dead" because of that particular choice of weapon + attachment. I think this may apply only to Organized Crime missions and maybe Scanner Hustles as I have successfully completed some Fixer missions using said weapon, but I have not fully tested this theory. Go double check those bodies! Hope this helps.
Ok, so @LjNetrunner is absolutely RIGHT. I'm using the tranquilizer attachment with the projectile launcher, and I noticed that if you scan the area, you going to see some red enimies. So, go around and kill every single with a bullet. ALSO, check on the minimap for all the `X`s. They represent the "dead" enimies, and for some reason, some of those enimies get stuck in things like chairs, barrels and etc. So, be cariful to not miss anyone.
Thanks @LjNetrunner

As title states, I can't complete this job! Still says "Secure the area. Use of force permitted."

So I have come back again and again to this Suspected Organized Crime Activity located beside the Goldsmith St. quick travel point to try to complete it. This NCPD job is located in Little China of Watson. I have tried throwing grenades about the place to perhaps flush out an enemy spawned in a wall or something, switched off all surveillance cameras, used distractions with the machines all over the place, etc. The main mission objective box (as seen in the picture below) has been opened. I don't see any enemies around.

Up to now, while searching for solutions, I have only seen another person bring up this issue on another forum.

Any help on how to get over this is much appreciated. I am a completist and this is really bugging me.

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It seems like they dont give a shit about theses bugs, patch 1.6 already and i'm spent hours trying all the solutions online without any success.
It might be too late for this for you, but I fixed it I just reloaded my save to before I started the police crime activity and I beat everybody again and it finally completed! Fixed!
Gently whaps the zombie on the crown of its head with the staff. A small flash of golden light. The zombie flails about quite dramatically. A few eyebrows raise. One of the paladins discreetly trips it as it staggers by. The undead form flops to the ground and lies still.

Ah, yes. Very good then. Take that, foul spawn of necromancy. And there we are. Yes, yes. Carry on!
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