Crash disappear from upgrade menu (Solved, see LeKill3rFou's reply)

New player from the Edgerunners generation, I'm lvl 35 and have really been enjoying playing with handguns after getting the Crash. However after upgrading it quite a bit it disappeared from upgrade menu around level 30 and i haven't been able to upgrade it since. My other most used weapons, Lizzie, Widowmaker, and punknife are acting as usual. It looks like I'm not the only one who as experienced this so has anyone found a fix?
I've tried stashing it and everything, but not a lot else.


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In view of its stats, it seems to me that it has reached the maximum level > Level 50 even if you're not level 50 (some weapons have this kind of "issue", which are not really an "annoying" issue, because you won't be able to upgrade it more than that anyway).
So in short
the bug is not > You can't upgrade it more.
The bug is > You are able to upgrade it higher than your level.

If CDPR or you find a "fix", its stats will "drop" to your level, so -15 levels. So you can report it anyway, if you want and if it's not already done > "Contact Us" button ;)
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In view of its stats, it seems to me that it has reached the maximum level > Level 50 even if you're not level 50 (some weapons have this kind of "issue", which are not really an "annoying" issue, because you won't be able to upgrade it more than that anyway).
So in short
the bug is not > You can't upgrade it more.
The bug is > You are able to upgrade it higher than your level.

If CDPR or you find a "fix", its stats will "drop" to your level, so -15 levels. So you can report it anyway, if you want and if it's not already done > "Contact Us" button ;)
Oh that's interesting, thanks for the help :)
So you're saying my overwatch disappearing after an upgrade at character level 40 and crafting level 18 means I reached max damage threshold for that gun? Or is this still some bug and I could've reached higher damage output if I would've waited until character level 50 before crafting legendary version and upgrading it? I'd say it's not a bug, because I've tried different save files and with all I get the same number of upgrades before the weapon completely disappears from the upgrade menu (I'm not blocked to upgrade or lacking any of the components - weapon just disappears).
So you're saying my overwatch disappearing after an upgrade at character level 40 and crafting level 18 means I reached max damage threshold for that gun?
Yep, it reached the max stats ;)
You can post a screenshot (not equiped, just in the inventory). Mine is upgraded at max level 50, I'm quite confident that both will have similar stats (don't compare with "old" version on the net, I think Overwatch was nerfed in 1.6).
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