Getting Items after point of no return

So what is the point in getting gear after you start the last Act of the game, where you can't go back. After beating the game and watching the 45 min worth of credits (nothing happens so you don't need to waste your time) it just takes you back to the save before you start the Point of no return so you can play in NC some more. BUT none of your lvl progress or items you looted get saved.

There is a Legendary set before the last event in one of the endings you can loot but then you just complete the game and the credits roll. What is the point of these unique items if you can't use them for anything except sitting in a car for 2 min? I don't think they are there unless you play the ending cuz it's a new area that gets created, ill have to go back and see if I can find that area outside of the last act.
The only thing I can think of. It's to prevent exploit of selling those items. Since we can play those endings over and over. It's the only missions we can replay. Might as well remove the items in that case.
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