Half-Dead Brick in Totentanz

Hey, chummers!

So in The Pickup quest I did this: disarmed the bomb in Brick cell, entered it and killed him, spraying bullets -- a mag or two -- in his dumb face. Then I killed Royce -- another dumb-faced loser -- same way.

Now it's the Second Conflict time. I came to Totentanz with my Defender and some upgrades, full of ammunition, hoping for a total massacre of those techno-necromancer alien bastards (and some lot collateral damage of civilians, ofc).

Aaaand... The dead Brick is here! Sitting right there. Or laying, I dunno -- check yourself out, it's on the video I made:

He cant' speak, and when someone other speaking, he's laying dead, but quest dialogue with Nancy and Patricia proceeds as usual. Like, I saved Brick in the first place. WTF?!

Is there any way to fix this? Like, console command Game.SetDebugFact("damn_brick_dead", 1) or something?

UPD: I even can move Brick's body, if i stand on couch so dialogue options is not on screen!
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