Mission Bug: Fixer, Merc, Soldier, Spy

Mission: Fixer, Merc, Soldier, Spy
Issue: Mission won't progress after completing final objective.
Expectation: After mission flag, call is received from Regina to inform of mission reward/location.

After receiving the Data Shard from the Russian visitors penthouse, you're supposed to hand over the Data Shard to Chinese representatives. After looking up the quest online, I found that after you hand the Shard over, you're supposed to get called by Regina once again to complete the mission and get told to pick up your reward from a Drop Off location. However this completion call is never triggering and the quest sits in an uncompleted state. I've attempted multiple reloads, re-doing the mission from a save right before starting, moving far away from the quest location, and multiple other methods to try and force progression to activate.

Images provided before and after quest progression.
Video was taken as well but due to file size, would need to upload that elsewhere and provide a link if requested.


  • CP2077 - F,M,So, Sp - Post completion.jpg
    CP2077 - F,M,So, Sp - Post completion.jpg
    145.2 KB · Views: 300
  • CP2077 - F,M,So, Sp - Pre completion.jpg
    CP2077 - F,M,So, Sp - Pre completion.jpg
    129.7 KB · Views: 380
Update on this issue:
Managed to finally get the completion flag to trigger. Luckily had an Auto Save just before going up the elevator for this mission. Went through the mission all in one go and didn't pick up any of the extra Penthouse Keys lying around (don't know if it helped but wanted to be safe). After stealing the Data Shard, proceeded to go deliver it to the Chinese and then hopped in my vehicle to drive away. No mission completion for a bit so figured the issue was still present. Made it to Lizzie's Bar and was about to head in (roughly 2 minutes since quest turn-in) when I was finally contacted by Regina for the reward drop-off.

I'm thinking that reloading a save file that was currently within the Penthouse or after the Penthouse was somehow causing the flag to not trigger properly. Redoing the mission from the start all in one go managed to get the trigger to pop but it still took a good 2 minutes before it did.

The issue of Regina not calling in to confirm the reward is still present and takes much longer than it should.
Side Note: In case it has any bearing; both times I completed the mission it was done completely stealth.
I am currently having the same bug as you did, and your way out did not solve it yet. I also restart the quest from a loaded save outside the penthouse and the building entirely. As usual, cannot untrack and retrack the quest as it seems to bug as an inaccessible gig when all quest directives are met. I am waiting for approximately 5 minutes after each completion to test your time theory and picking up only the shard that is required and the elevator access token.

Things I did in in repetition to dodge other quest bugs
  • NO skipping quest dialogue.
  • Reloading outside the quest area
  • Avoid NPCS not related to the quest
  • Don't untrack the quest

So far:
  1. Unlocked tech door / key from table / stealth / dumped the Russian in the box / steal shard / asked no questions = null
  2. Unlocked tech door / key from table / stealth / let his dialogue complete;exit / stole shard / asked questions = null
  3. Unlocked tech door / key from table / stealth / let his dialogue complete;exit / stole shard / asked no questions = null
  4. Distracted receptionist / key from desk / stealth / let his dialogue complete;exit / stole shard / asked no questions = null
  5. Talked to receptionist / purchased / stealth / let his dialogue complete;exit / stole shard / asked no questions = null

In addition, currently playing on PS5 and this is the last quest I have for Watson; also I am unable to skip time unless I fast travel or untrack the quest.

Maybe because the quest NPCs don't despawn after leaving the quest zone?

I will update this post in about an hour or so if I get it to complete or not.
Post automatically merged:

Alright, I was able to complete the quest by entering the penthouse from a different direction than before, while also skipping no dialogue. Previously I would go directly to turning off cameras and opening tech doors. AVOID THESE INTERACTIONS. I don't know if they had anything to do with the muck up but I was able to complete the quest without them.
  1. Enter and talk to the receptionist
  2. Distract and steal the elevator access token
  3. Go up to the penthouse break the glass window (melee) to the right of it to get to a balcony, go up (OR USE STEP 4)
  4. Look for the route that takes you to almost the highest floor or take the staircase (Skip if you used step 3)
  5. Enter the bedroom with the leopard rug and shut down all cameras from the computer
  6. Follow the glass walkway until you stand over the Russian with dialogue [stealth]
  7. Let him leave the penthouse through the glass door. [stealth]
  8. Jump from almost directly above the couch down to the bag [stealth]
  9. Steal! [STAY in stealth]
  10. Exit out where Mikhail went and stay crouched. [STAY in stealth]
  11. Go right and jump over the balcony covered in vines, or you may see the broken glass window here
  12. Go right through the door or broken window and enter the elevator
  13. Complete with main dialogue only - no side jokes
  14. Regina called immediately.
Solved for me, and really hope it helps others that come across this debacle.
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Glad you were able to figure out a work around on your end. I know before I had made the original post, definitely tried at least six different times and multiple ways to figure it out. I eventually just gave up for the day.
Something definitely isn't flagging right and I was thinking the stealth approach was the reason but you managed to get her to call right away.
I did take note that on all my attempts, I always stealth knocked out the two guards in the penthouse, dumping them into the storage bin as well. Seems the time you got it to work as intended, you ghosted in and left without any stealth combat.
I do also believe it is an issue of the quest NPCs not despawning after you turn it in. They will drive away but they will definitely hang around for quite a while, especially if traffic gets backed up.
I've taken this game's Stealth[optional] meaning as 'least likely to glitch the quest' route in this trophy clean up time, haha. Let's hope these workarounds help the rest of the choombas stay on top of this. Thanks for making the post ten hours prior to me getting to the quest area. I wasn't sure if it had happened to any else yet when the online results were slim to none.
I'm having a slightly different bug in the same quest.

If you enter the penthouse thru the second-floor window without touching the quest markers, even if you get the shard, the quest won't progress. You'll have to go back and touch the markers until you can move on to calling Regina.
I am suffering the same bug as pope and engel but even after doing popehannibal's fantastic walkthrough I am still stuck with the quest not ending but I am found super weird, see I would natural thing that the despawning is an issue but what if I was to say even odder happens once the Chinese had left in their car?

Around each critical story NPC there is a "Safety Box" around them where you cant drive cars or shoot this box stays in the area even once the NPC have left as shown by this first pic where I am hold down the W key but my car refuse to move forward and the 2nd pic is same area before when the Chinese spawn in (look the MPH):


So I thought, I'll be a big smart boy and to drive/spawn at the other end of the city as to despawn them and what happened is that this piece of subtitle get stuck at the bottom of my screen:

Eeeeeeeeeh, I am gonna take a break from CP as even this this is not my first time on "Slavic Jank Highway" (Like a certain game where use a single crossbow bolt to bow up a police station) most of them dont cost me £50s...
Same bug for me. I reloaded several times to early saved and never could get it to complete. Submitted a bug report and just am ignoring the quest as there are plenty of others at the moment. Hoping this would be patched in 1.05 but looks like we're waiting
I have a similar issue on this. I complete the quest, I call Regina, I drop off the shard, then afterwards she calls me thanking me for the job, I get the rewards in terms of XP, eddies and stuff, but then the mission still shows up in red on the hud, below the map. There are plenty of other quests I can do, which is why it isn't too much of an issue, but it is fairly annoying. Please fix this in 1.06
Good news for me, seem like 1.05 fixed it:

But this could be a false positive and I got lucky, I did do it the super speedy way of use my high tech skill o the doors to open them...
Yeah on the 1.05 patch, the error disappeared. But I do have a problem of the fact that Regina calls closing the last gig when I'm at the start of a new one. I've done a lot of the gigs, I'm on lvl 10 with 21 street cred, yet I haven't done the Pickup or The Information yet, I just want to complete as much as I can before continuing with the story.
After 1.05 patch..XBOX SERIES X buggs quest.. second run after patch quest dont work riders on the storm= cant scan vehicle tracks. 2:cyberpsycho sighting the wasteland, cant scan the blood or any briefcase. 3 the hunt- cant scan the files, file cabinet.

Things that were possible before this patch that work now doesnt work. Maybe more other quest...
Still having this bug with 1.05.
Regina calls dsync with the actual mission, she makes calls irrelevant with the actual mission, assigning jobs that i previously completed and not rewarding a single job. giving me this quest over and over at different gig locations although i have delivered the shard.
Originally was unable to get this mission to gig to pop all-together.

This is for those of you that cant get mission to appear (since this thread is popular for this gig). I dont know what I can say other then just keep doing other things. I got it to pop after loading in this afternoon and seeing the Gig Icon pop up near the mission area. Did a few time skips, fast travels, gigs in other regions. A system restart and fresh load of the game was the only way I got this gig to load at all.

Mission played out normally. Ran full stealth, took my time. Don't have a workaround, all I can say is the prompt to Call Regina is misleading because she calls you after leaving hotel. Wonder if this is part of the problem for gig completion.
I'm having an issue with this mission also. After leaving the hotel it says "Call Regina." When I left Regina called me for a different mission that I completed earlier and I've tried other missions since with her and she calls about the correct mission. I cannot get her to call for this one. I tried going to the Chinese guy to give him the shard but can't since he isn't proc'd yet.

I have the same issue on the call not being triggered, but I have no previous saves to load (because I though the call eventually would trigger, so did several missions and saved on top of the previous).
Now I have it just hanging there...
Any ideas on how to trigger that call without redoing the mission?
With version 1.12, it said I hadn't entered the elevator even though I had. I eventually went back to the building and used the elevator a second time to get the mission to continue. The first time I had used the elevator by simply hacking it and put it into friendly mode. I used an access card the second time.
After about 5 playthroughs I am suddenly encountering the error where the quest does not resolve; I hand over the shard and the NPCs drive away, nothing happens after that, no call from Regina, nothing. Quest is still sitting in my journal and the red text (current objective) remains on screen. No easy fixes working (reload, clear cache, skip time, etc.)

As far as I am aware, I'm not doing anything differently, I always approach the mission by paying for a hotel room, then using stealth to klep the shard. In terms of hardware, all that's changed since last time I played was a new hard disk (upgraded to an SSD) so that surely can't be the culprit.
I do remember my very first playthrough the quest just didn't want to trigger either. I believe I had to clear my PS4's cache before it appeared then.

I have noticed little details like sometimes when you leave the hotel Regina will call you, yet sometimes she doesn't, and it's a quest objective for V to be the one to initiate that call. It's weird.

Not the end of the world as I have the trophies, but this is going to get my videogame OCD all kinds of trouble (!)

edit: managed to get the quest to resolve completely unintentionally! It looks like I had a couple of follow-up phone calls from Padre and Wakako for gigs I had done hours previously qeueing up and failing to trigger. I did the quests Raymond Chandler Evening and Boat Drinks and they started happening, gave Fixer, Merc, Soldier, Spy another try and sure enough it resolved without issue.
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