No after ending progression and continuation

Aside from bugs and glithces here are the other things that i think you should know. Your character does'nt progress in the game after the ending it just kinda put you back to the last saved gameplay before you start the ending mission, "which is kinda disappointing". I mean when i saw V having a mansion of his own at the last mission , im like "shiiiit finally i get to play the side-missions with this so called legend of the afterlife" with weapon that i horde during the Arasaka raid and stuff the ones that rouge gave to me, but nah ahh!! It shoved you back to last checkpoint! I mean really??? 8 years of production?? And this is just it!? I wish you can buy your own safehouse with garage to store your own vehicles, the Mansion is just a slap in the face for you as if the bugs and glitches weren't enough. The mini map sucks.. it's hard too navigate when your driving, it's too zoomed in, I wish there's car customization, weapons modification, but that's can't even display your own weapon on stash like in fallout 4. I also wish you can sell some of your vehicles I think Cyberpunk is build more of a story game rather than a Open World genre where it should be balance. It's why GTAV was a very successful game and i thought Cyberpunk2077 will surpasses it. Im still hopefull that it will but at this rate my hopes are fading. Shame.. so much potential yet soo disappointing 😞😞
I'm pretty sure it's disclaimed at the message of point of no return that you'll be sent back to your last save, afaik you don't even get to keep items you looted throughout the last mission, in some cases you even get a full set of legendaries that goes *poof* because you have to reload your old save.
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