OC Edgerunners- Is a happier ending possible? A callback to the Game.

A happy ending would not suit this game or universe, so I understand that every ending must have their own level of darkness... Yet, when you're invested in that char for so long and you try your damnest to do the right things, it hurts not to get that good ending.
I know one possible good, albeit tragic, ending: die on the battlefield fighting alongside Colonel Hansen in the name of Night City's independence, while simultaneously getting rid of the deserter's voice in one's head. :D
I wonder if such an ending is grim enough for a dark cyber future?
I know one possible good, albeit tragic, ending: die on the battlefield fighting alongside Colonel Hansen in the name of Night City's independence, while simultaneously getting rid of the deserter's voice in one's head. :D
I wonder if such an ending is grim enough for a dark cyber future?

We do not get the same vibes when we're talking about good ending, sir ! :LOL: Following your story, if V dies with Hansen, how the hell could Night City become independant ? You're not even let them got this victory! Where is the "good" part ?!
And I would personally rather follow Hands than Hansen. The man is cold calm and collected and take the interest of Pacifica's people seriously.
We do not get the same vibes when we're talking about good ending, sir ! :LOL: Following your story, if V dies with Hansen, how the hell could Night City become independant ? You're not even let them got this victory! Where is the "good" part ?!
And I would personally rather follow Hands than Hansen. The man is cold calm and collected and take the interest of Pacifica's people seriously.
I see: there is no good future without us. I certainly agree with that, but I just don't think about a final like that anymore - when Hansen and V win together! I don't think that's going to happen. And a heroic death on the battlefield is better than getting shot on a rooftop with a voice in your head ))
Well, that's subjective, of course.
And also interesting is the variant when V dies, but Hansen stays alive and wins in Night City, and the final scene is dedicated to V's solemn funeral as a hero of the resistance to the NUSA and Myers. And then it is followed by the installation of V's monument in Corporations Square, and all his friends bringing him flowers and lighting candles and reading poems on his grave... :rolleyes:

Speaking of Hands - I disagree completely. It's a negative character, but I feel like I'll never have enough energy to dedicate a thread to my view of Hands here on the forum. It would have to be a very, very complicated topic...
Well, that's interesting !

First, I think an ending where you join Bargheist for the ultimate military coup with Hansen could be nice to have in the game. Something bombastik like the one where you decide to take down Mikoshi with the nomads. And I could see it goes bad or good, depending on if you manage to protect Hansen long enough, like a big escort mission. Hansen dies ? You die with him and that's your bad ending. Hansen survive until a certain point ? Congrats, Night City has a new ruler. Now is it a good or a bad thing ? You will never know because in order to side with Hansen, you had to ditch the whole Alex-Solomon group and when you though victory was obtained, a bargheist soldier could reveal itself as being Alex all along and suddenly you end up with a bullet to the brain.

I don't know if I would agree with either ending but I could see myself try just for funsies.

Now it's too bad you do not want to elaborate on your point of view regarding Hands because I think the opposite, can you at least send me a link or something to get what you feel about this char ? Maybe I misread something about him ?
I don't know if I would agree with either ending but I could see myself try just for funsies.
And please don't forget that the original messege of the game for V was not to survive, but to "Become a legend of Night City"! :D

Now it's too bad you do not want to elaborate on your point of view regarding Hands because I think the opposite, can you at least send me a link or something to get what you feel about this char ? Maybe I misread something about him ?
See, here's the thing: I often encounter a certain amount of misunderstanding or even disapproval here on the forum, as I often express unpopular points of view. Not that I'm complaining, but I just always need to have proof of my position. I am forced to argue literally every statement I make. At the moment, I'm going through the game for about the 5th or 6th time, encountering a lot of problems as I play with a lot of mods, and I'm even thinking about starting to use cheats - I need to infiltrate a number of locations I've never been before to gather the missing evidence against Hands, among other things. I'm missing literally a couple pieces of information before I'm ready to reasonably say everything I think about him.

If you're interested, I suggest you consider this:
1. Does Hands personally lose anything if President Myers is dead?
2. How much access does Hands have to FIA intelligence? What is his position relative to the organization?
3. Is Hands aware of the critical situation Songbird is in?
4. Why does Hands have a special mirror in his room that is only activated if the person in front of him uses a FIA facial implant?
5. Why, when V sides with Reed and chases So Mi, it is Yoko (a close friend of T-Bug, who died during the heist of Kompeki Plaza) offered her services as a netrunner (Hands' netrunner!)?
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I'll try to play your game, but it's been a while since I completed PL so I'm not super dupper fresh with all the events.

1. I guess If Myers dies, Hands could fear the repercussions that could ensue. If he is a man of the people, then he would care about what this brutal power unbalance could bring to Dogtown, Pacifica and (assuming he has the ambition to go bigger than that ?) maybe Night City as a whole. If he is NOT a man of the people but a heartless manipulative bastard, it's not so great either because a drastic event like this could gop against his way of doing things. Hands like to stay in the dark and take care of things quietly, building his reputation and gaining access to higher spheres. I think if Myers dies, it could be like a kick in the anthill for him, compromizing what he is slowly and quietly trying to build with a context far too violent to take the stealthy way. Also, we know Hands have family, in either case, you can bet if someone as important as him as family, he has something to lose if the politic situation become so unstable that we can expect a military coup, riots and gang wars. So that's my point of view in the matter.

2. You're puzzling me with this one. I guess, following the story from memory, he should not have any access until you reach out to him as an FIA agent. So in this case, we would be a prime contact to keep (which we are, seeing as we are gracefully received in person, a privilege very few has had). I am not aware if Hands has any other player in the matter, but in Dogtown there's not a lot of FIA agents aside for Alex, who was dormant, and Reed, who had to be called from Night City (he can be seen working as a bouncer at a club in the main town), so I guess Hands can't have a lot of grasp in the matter, at least at the beginning of the expansion.

3. I don't think so ? If you got something on this topic, I would be interested to know. He's a man of mistery for sure...

4. I was not aware of this fact, I'll have to check this by myself ! If it's true, than the man could know a lot more about FIA than we thought.If he knows about the facial implant, I guess we're talking about an extremely cautious and reclusive man. So I would not be surprised that he protected himself against such possible stealthy ways to attack or deceive him. (Fun thing to think about : Hands was revamped for PL, maybe the fact that he himself posess a facial implant could be a lore-friendly way to explain this change ! But I don't think so because all ofhis dialogues has been replaced, there's no trace of the old Hands)

5. I don't remember this part, I think I went with Sandra Dorsett for this as she was one of the better options and I was a bit attached to her since it's one of the first characters we're introduced with. Are you implying there's something between T-Bug, Yoko, So Mi and Hands ?

Like I said, my memories are a bit blurry so feel free to correct me :)
Okay, I feel like I need to create a special topic dedicated to Hands (although I'm not 100% ready to do so). If Hands ends up walking away from justice, part of the blame will be on you ))
1. I guess If Myers dies, Hands could fear the repercussions that could ensue. If he is a man of the people, then he would care about what this brutal power unbalance could bring to Dogtown, Pacifica and (assuming he has the ambition to go bigger than that ?) maybe Night City as a whole. If he is NOT a man of the people but a heartless manipulative bastard, it's not so great either because a drastic event like this could gop against his way of doing things. Hands like to stay in the dark and take care of things quietly, building his reputation and gaining access to higher spheres. I think if Myers dies, it could be like a kick in the anthill for him, compromizing what he is slowly and quietly trying to build with a context far too violent to take the stealthy way. Also, we know Hands have family, in either case, you can bet if someone as important as him as family, he has something to lose if the politic situation become so unstable that we can expect a military coup, riots and gang wars. So that's my point of view in the matter.
Mr Hand is a fixer, so his "main" goal is doing business and obviously, making money.
Honestly, I see no benefit to Mr. Hand in Myers' death. She's NUSA president, a state that Night City is not a part. Night City is already under Arasaka control, so Myers' death would most certainly not change much in Night City, and by extension to Mr Hand affairs, even less in Pacifica/Dogtown which is not even considered as a part of Night City.
So I'm pretty sure he doesn't really care if Myers die or not. I think what he really care about, it's to kick Hansen out of Dogtown to be more "free" and likely to avoid giving a chunck of the money he earn to this "nice" despot.
4. I was not aware of this fact, I'll have to check this by myself !
Well... I have to check, but I suspect it all come because the mirror in his room is not usable outside of the quest (and not supposed to be usable^^). Like the one in the Nomad intro :D
Okay, I feel like I need to create a special topic dedicated to Hands (although I'm not 100% ready to do so). If Hands ends up walking away from justice, part of the blame will be on you ))

Apparently we definitely need a Hands Topic :D(y)
Wasn't a fan of the ending of Edge runners or Cyberpunk 2077 feel like what was the point spending all that time into the game and creating my charector for a disappointing end.
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