Phone bug, i can't fix it// Bug de telefono.

Hello, I have a bug where I can't use the phone for anything at all. I can't receive calls or even open it (you can see it in the video below). I'm unable to do anything; I have a savegame right before the bug, but as soon as I enter this cinematic, I can't do anything. I've been trying different things for months, but I can't progress any further. I really want to continue the game, especially this mission, but I'm stuck. I don't know if you've experienced something similar and found a solution, or if you'd like, I can share the savegame with you to see if you encounter the same issue. Thanks in advance.
I'm reposting it because they deleted it, I don't know why.


Hola, tengo un bug en el que no me deja usar el teléfono para absolutamente nada, ni me llegan llamadas ni puedo abrirlo (podéis verlo abajo en el video), no me deja hacer absolutamente nada, tengo un savegame justo antes del bug, pero en cuanto entro en esta cinemática, no me deja hacer nada, he estado meses probando cosas pero no puedo avanzar mas, y la verdad es que quiero continuar el juego y sobre todo esta misión, pero no puedo, así que no se si a vosotros os ha pasado algo similar y lo habéis solucionado o si queréis os puedo pasar el savegame y ver si os pasa igual que a mi y gracias por adelantado.
Lo vuelvo a postear porque me lo han borrado no se porque.

Ok :)
Do you use or used mods?
If not (I mean never), I recommend to send a ticket to the support in case, including a save file if possible.
I didn't try myself, but I know there are some ways to fix this kind of issue on PC, using console commands or a save editor (if you try, do it on a copy of your original save, in case).
Ok :)
Do you use or used mods?
If not (I mean never), I recommend to send a ticket to the support in case, including a save file if possible.
I didn't try myself, but I know there are some ways to fix this kind of issue on PC, using console commands or a save editor (if you try, do it on a copy of your original save, in case).
I never use mod in cyberpunk, so thanks to the ticket link and the console commands . If i fix it, i will tell you.
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