Please share your opinion about Knights of the Old Republic with me

Please share your opinion about Knights of the Old Republic with me

I am currently playing Knights of the Old Republic 1. From what I have heared nearly everybody loves this game (also because of the great story).

This is where I really need your opinions.
I have played so far until Datooine and I have just executed the first quest by the Jedi: I have fought (bot not killed) the dark Jedi.

Is this where the great storyline already takes place or is this just some kind of warm up until now?
The very beginning was a bit interesting to me and since then I was bored. It seems to me as if there are no surprised and the story is rather a cliché. It is hard to inform myself without finding spoilers so I hope you can share what you think about the game and especially about the beginning until the part where I am at the moment.

Actually I really love the topic (I'm interested in Star Wars) and I also like RPGs. I'm enthusiastic about games The Witcher series, Gothic, Fallout New Vegas.
So I am wondering if it is me or if I just haven't played far enough.
Is this where the great storyline already takes place or is this just some kind of warm up until now?
The real game begins after you complete your Jedi training. The first planet in KOTOR 1 is a bit of a slog that's disconnected from the main plot. The real story begins once you leave Dantooine.That won't be long from now, Dantooine is a short planet.

Also, once you leave Dantooine you unlock 4 - 5 planets and you get to choose which ones you want to do.

Merry Christmas :D
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I never played any of those games really. I'm waiting for KOTOR 2 for Linux to come out on GOG. The first one isn't available for Linux anyway, so I might actually play it Wine. Thanks for reminding about it.
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I am currently playing Knights of the Old Republic 1. From what I have heared nearly everybody loves this game (also because of the great story).

This is where I really need your opinions.
I have played so far until Datooine and I have just executed the first quest by the Jedi: I have fought (bot not killed) the dark Jedi.

Is this where the great storyline already takes place or is this just some kind of warm up until now?
The very beginning was a bit interesting to me and since then I was bored. It seems to me as if there are no surprised and the story is rather a cliché. It is hard to inform myself without finding spoilers so I hope you can share what you think about the game and especially about the beginning until the part where I am at the moment.

Actually I really love the topic (I'm interested in Star Wars) and I also like RPGs. I'm enthusiastic about games The Witcher series, Gothic, Fallout New Vegas.
So I am wondering if it is me or if I just haven't played far enough.

Just play it to get to KotOR II. ^^
I heartily recommend it. Worth the Wine indulgence. Still my favourite, in fact, even though 2 had the arguably tighter writing. If you like a) Star Wars and/or b) solid (old-schoolish) role-playing in an interesting setting, absolutely play this.

Yeah, they both are actually in my wishlist since they were released on GOG, and I've heard a lot of good things about them. I'll start with the first for better story continuation and since reworked version of the second on GOG is still being delayed by Aspyr.

Somewhat related. I wonder, how someone like Aspyr who ported KOTOR 2 to Linux and OS X gets compensated for it? Are they getting percentage of all sales or only percentage of OS X and Linux sales? And for example in case of GOG how would they count the later - amount of first time downloads of those versions for some user? And what if user downloads all versions (i.e. for all OSes)? And I wonder whether difficulty of sorting it out is what's preventing them from releasing the game on GOG.
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Yeah, they both are actually in my wishlist since they were released on GOG, and I've heard a lot of good things about them. I'll start with the first for better story continuation and since reworked version of the second on GOG is still being delayed by Aspyr.

Somewhat related..

Reaaaaaaally only tangentially related, though, and I suspect the OP doesn't care too much.

@dreizehnx, I liked the first one, but some of the start is a bit slow, yeah. Partly it feels like a cliche because like most Star Wars stories, it is! There is a cool twist in this one, though, and that was a first for me as a Star Wars player.

It touches on a modern issue: games like KotOR feel dated, because they are. When it came out, it was THE Hot Stuff and of course, has been imitated many times. Since KotOR was itself building on other games as well, playing it now, post Witcher for example, many of it's cool ideas have been done to death.

Still a great story, though, and some interesting choices for you to make as a player.
It touches on a modern issue: games like KotOR feel dated, because they are. When it came out, it was THE Hot Stuff and of course, has been imitated many times. Since KotOR was itself building on other games as well, playing it now, post Witcher for example, many of it's cool ideas have been done to death.

Still a great story, though, and some interesting choices for you to make as a player.
Thanks for reminding me of this. I tend to forget how old the game is. (which is actually a compliment to the game)

Although I prefer gog over steam (I guess there is no need to tell the reasons ^^) I got a whole bunch of Star Wars games on a sale, so I decided to start with Kotor 1 because of its great reputation.

Thanks for all the feedback. To all of you. I'm still on Dantooine - but I think you saved the game for me.
Thanks. Still figuring out how queuing works. The interface is rather confusing. It shows three buttons which if I understood correctly correspond to firearms / melee, force (I didn't get anything there yet naturally) and grenades, etc. Supposedly clicking any of them adds that action to the queue, but I guess it's not possible to remove it after it's added already?
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It's been years since I played it, but from what I remember you can remove them from the queue by simply clicking on symbols associated with the action in the bar at the top of the screen.

I was really into KotOR and to a lesser degree its successor back in the day, not only because they had d20 as a ruleset. A shame that Disney made them all non canon, and put the "Legends" mark on their continuity.
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Yup, and in the same time "killing" (although I think Bioware did that by themselves in TOR, in an expansion) my all time favorite Star Wars character, in all EU. Not saying the name, because I want Gilrond to experience that awesomeness... :)

Ahhh, all this KOTOR talk makes me want to play it again. It's one of my favorite RPG series indeed. I guess I should re-install, especially now that the Restored Content Mod for KOTOR 2 is completely official.
Aliens speaking in their own language is a nice touch.

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Is there any way to holster / sheathe weapons? It's weird running with drawn weapons all the time and it's annoying going to UI menu just to remove / equip them.

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UPDATE: Looks like it's impossible, but there is a mod for it (it requires wearing an armband):
Yeah, sometimes you feel the age of the game for sure :) It first came out to the first XBox, in 2003. I remember lots of games having camera issues then.
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