My picks for December BC:
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Malena - Have mentioned here last two times too. It is a good card and can be staple in movement decks, but with 6 power, she will start seeing play.
Seasenthesis - 8 for 9P is two years old good card. Immunity is not having the same respect/rarity it used to have. This card should be at least 9 power. It can give a boost to Dragon builds.
Sentinel - 2 damage deathblow is hard to do. Boosting this card will also boost PS and encourage it to be added in non PS decks which wants thinning.
Sergeant - Already explained it before. This should stay at 9 power max as it has added synergy as bonus.
Idarran - Right when this card was introduced, I hated this design. This is always part of most toxic decks. Ideally I want it to be provision nerfed, but may be it is for later.
Dwimvendra - This card has no business being as 5P card. It should be made 6P. May be for later. For now, it shouldn't play for 4 points. 3 for 6P is the proper stats for this card.
Onager - No explanation needed. This card has no business being a 5P card.
Calveit - I think at 11, it would make one 5P tactic to be a 4P tactic. There is no proper fixing for this, but this would make experimental remedy to another 4P card, which is good.
Mutagenerator - At 9P, I wouldn't mind it playing for 20+ points. May be I would, but for now 9P seems like a good trade.
Circle of Life - This is a buff for both Handbuff and Symbiosis. At 4P this would become barely playable.
Smuggler - Already explained before. 5 for 5P is the right stat for this card. But first, it should get to 5P. 6P is laughably bad for such a weak card.
Bountiful Harvest - 90% of the times, the elf bronze this card gives is junk pathetic horrible cards, as most elf bronze sucks. This card should be 5P and again, it will help both Handbuff and Symbiosis.
You may agree or disagree, but lets not discuss and argue about other's picks.