Yeah, I don't think that qualifies as "small content" lol.

I really dislike that CDPR made that statement. It opens the door to people just asking for things and then being disappointed/angry when it doesn't get added.

They've largely kept radio silence on the game's future and this was one of the worst possible ways to break radio silence.
When they say something small, I'd think more like one side gig that ties into a show/movie/book set in the CP world.

OR a new car, or maybe a cool weapon or outfit that ties into something or a small cross over, maybe a free holiday thing, like a Christmas outfit or Halloween mask. Maybe more Immersive stuff, like they did with dates, like new animations for eating and drinking, 1 or 2 locations you can visit with a friend.

But anything major like a multiple quest story line, repeatable random content, new endings, new major characters etc.... Almost 100% not happening the repeatable stuff is a maybe, something similar to supply drops or autofixer, but honestly that's the outer edge of what is likely, I'd expect 1 or 2 self-contained things. And honestly leaving the door open for a surprise update still does not mean they're going to do it.

A full-on corporate war is way out of the question, that's a sequel thing if it happens. It would require bringing in VAs to record new lines, writers to write the story, changes to the map most likely as they all have massive headquarters right next to each other, and that's before you get into scripting it all into the game just too big of an ask for CP2077 at this point.

But again, could definitely be something for the sequel,
I just finished watching the interview and I did not get the impression that there's definitely new content coming. In fact I got the impression that there likely won't be (unless a dev happens to have an idea that they absolutely swear by, in which case they'd be willing to hear that dev out). I mean, to me, that's basically someone describing a 1% of a 1% chance of a thing maybe happening AKA "never say never".

Spinning that as "NEW POSSIBLE CONTENT" is technically not inaccurate but it still feels misrepresentative after watching the interview - which should be noted was very relaxed and casual and not equal to an official press release statement or anything like that. Seriously, watching them talk is very, very different to reading an out-of-context quote in an article that doesn't communicate the tone and vibe of the conversation.
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Unless the "content" is already "ready" to release, I don't see how new content could be added to the game (except minor things like cars, weapons) knowing that at last news, there are currently "only" 17 devs working on CP77.
There is no need for Orion. Just expand Cyberpunk. Lot of locket buildings. Maybe underground action like in Fallout 4... metro tunnels, sewer system.
There is no need for Orion. Just expand Cyberpunk. Lot of locket buildings. Maybe underground action like in Fallout 4... metro tunnels, sewer system.

I strongly disagree with this. It's a single player game, it's 3 years old, and has had a major expansion. If it was a live service game I would understand keeping it going for longer. But it's had it's time, plus with all the mods and different endings/choices there is a lot of replayability if you want to give it another run.

A sequel is definitely needed. There are a lot of potential stories to tell in Night City as well as just the world of CP in general. V's story is just one.
Ver 2.0, path tracing. Maybe its not 3 years old. How many games support path tracing and Dolby Atmos. I think CP2077 is a fresh game. Fallout 3 and 4 have several big expansions. I rather take big expansion every 6 months than wait 10 years a totally new game.

Of cource I will buy Orion. If CD Project Red still exists. ...
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Ver 2.0, path tracing. Maybe its not 3 years old. How many games support path tracing and Dolby Atmos. I think CP2077 is a fresh game. Fallout 3 and 4 have several big expansions. I rather take big expansion every 6 months than wait 10 years a totally new game.

Of cource I will buy Orion. If CD Project Red still exists. ...

Yet, ultimately, it's fundamentally the same game. Because it was built this way.

You can't just keep adding new stuff onto a game that wasn't built for it. Hence everyone saying it's not a live service. Live service games are built to receive updates and support over long periods. CP2077 wasn't built for that and, judging from some issues and the fact CDPR is moving away from it, the REDengine would clearly require major work for this kind of long term support to even work.

Outside of that, it's a model that's not really viable in this day and age. Expansion sized (and priced) DLC is typically looking at a 15-25% adoption rate. PL is right on trend. While 5M sales is nothing to scoff at, it's still 20M units short of the last publicly available sales numbers for the base game. Short term it's decent revenue for CDPR but over longer periods of time, it's just not viable for a studio if you're planning on multiple projects and growth.

It's high time to move on and CDPR has already indicated they have. They already confirmed work on Orion has begun, they confirmed they're fine with the game as it is and they indicated there is only a skeleton crew of 17 working CP2077 at this point. They're moving on and it's the right thing to do.

I just finished watching the interview and I did not get the impression that there's definitely new content coming. In fact I got the impression that there likely won't be (unless a dev happens to have an idea that they absolutely swear by, in which case they'd be willing to hear that dev out). I mean, to me, that's basically someone describing a 1% of a 1% chance of a thing maybe happening AKA "never say never".

Spinning that as "NEW POSSIBLE CONTENT" is technically not inaccurate but it still feels misrepresentative after watching the interview - which should be noted was very relaxed and casual and not equal to an official press release statement or anything like that. Seriously, watching them talk is very, very different to reading an out-of-context quote in an article that doesn't communicate the tone and vibe of the conversation.

While I fully agree with you, CDPR should know better by now.

They've been taken out of context, their quotes spun into wild stories and theories so many time that they shouldn't even have left the door ajar in this case. They should know by now that a ridiculous amount of people will stop reading at the title and not even bother to really listen to the interview.

This thread is already proof of that....
My bet, if i would betting, is that we will get some kind of smaller DLC if/when the planned Cyberpunk serie is released, similar to what we got when Edgerunner came. They might also keep that nugget until they release, or before, Orion, to start it off with a bang; what the Anime Edgerunner did for CP2077 just shows what you achieve with rightly timed media releases
In the financials meeting they said there was about a dozen people working on Cyberpunk 2077.....
And they also said that who knows in the future for something small.
Definitely not anything like Phantom Liberty because if they were going to go to that scale...may as well do Orion.
The game still needs some fixes though.
Just get out the last few dam patches (PLEASE) so people like me can start modding the game easily and without fear of a new patch breaking stuff. Then we will get tons of new stuff including a full out copo war.
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