Straight females still had Kaidan from ME1 to ME3. They had Garrus, who's equally popular as Kaidan and he had even more content than Liara for sure in ME3 and he's present in all 3 games. Then we can add other romances, as well, despite tragic endings.You have much less actually. Sure, you can be both genders and orientations, but only one possibility for each one, and if you don't like it, you're screwed . ME3 was better in that regard (except for straight females, God knows why they did that).
I'll stick to playing as good old Geralt, if that's the way things go
Now, lesbians have Liara, who's not everyone's cup of tea. Lots of women like her, because she was first "big" romance in this type of game and she's still copy/paste in female/male route of romance. Typical BioWare's laziness. Then in ME2 nothing. And in ME3 there's joke-of-a-romance Traynor with barely any content and just copy/paste, quirky, shy, awkward girl BW loves to give us, bc apparently any good written female LI was exclusive to male playerbase.
We can argue who had it worse or better, but it all depends if certain character was good or bad and that, again, depends on people's preferences. I, for one, have no LI for my FemShep in any of 3 games, because my options sucked. But well, it happens. That's life, I'm not gonna throw tantrum, because I didn't have any harem available to romance.
In Witcher you only play as Geralt, it's way easier to create quality romances if you only have to worry about writing them for one, established main character.
In CP not only we can pick a gender for V, but as well as their preferences regarding gay or straight romances. It's much harder to write and requires way more resources. Of course there's no denying that CDPR dropped the ball with Kerry for sure and even though Judy got best end of the deal in gay romances, their main focus was still Panam, romance option for dudes, just like it was always a main target for BioWare and it shows.
And yet even if Judy switched places with Kerry, for example, I'd still prefer Cyberpunk to Witcher and one of the biggest reasons for me is that I can pick who my V is. I'm tired of playing RPGs where I'm forced to be a guy. So if you're a guy, of course you're gonna love witcher and all romance option it offers you.
So yeah, stay with Witcher, it's perfect for you.