If it isn't already named or planed which I think is, but safety first!
I see it necessary to integrate shop distinction which were lacking in the Cyberpunk 2077 game, like:
(Fast try, V.1)
Clouting shop consume destination and separation:
(I think, I know why clothes were put together because there aren't really many and in this way you progress to reach)
--- Low- class
Weapon shop consume destination and separation:
Differentiation between classes:
Thinkable are differentiation between, if we see specialization, special offers, like Tuned products, especially in software and chip replacement (I wrote about it)
Product range, problem:
Cyberware differentiation:
Netrunner/Techie etc.
Car dealer
Limited product range, solution, if not, different car manufacturers and used car dealers differentiation:
I see it necessary to integrate shop distinction which were lacking in the Cyberpunk 2077 game, like:
(Fast try, V.1)
- Clouting shop consume destination and separation
- Weapon shop consume destination and separation
- Cyberware differentiation
- Car dealer
Clouting shop consume destination and separation:
(I think, I know why clothes were put together because there aren't really many and in this way you progress to reach)
- Low- class
- Cyberpunk Gang shops
- Middle-.class
- High-class
- All-day
- Professional
- Optional: Business/Corpo
--- Low- class
- Entropy
- Low-class
- Neo-Kitsch
- Low until Middle-class
- Neo-Fashion -- (Simulation of style high-class, mass brands) - Jean Baudrillard
- Middle-class
- Profession -- (Separated from from military use, like police or firefighter)
- Middle-class
- Substance/Profession
- Netrunner
- Middle-class
- Military
- Middle-class
- Netrunner
- Style
- High-class
- Substance/Profession
- Netrunner
- High-class
- Military
- High-class
- Netrunner
Weapon shop consume destination and separation:
Differentiation between classes:
- Low
- Middle
- High
Thinkable are differentiation between, if we see specialization, special offers, like Tuned products, especially in software and chip replacement (I wrote about it)
- Power
- Smart
- Ballistic weapons
- Melee
- Multiple versions
- Multiple colors
- Addon-Variation
Cyberware differentiation:
Netrunner/Techie etc.
- Cyberware - Internal/External-Hardware
- Ripper Doc:
- Synapse upgrades -- body
- Ripper Doc:
- Cyberware - internal Software
- Shop: Digital aspects
- Boards (Replaceable, as deck exchange required individual self replacement)
- Demons etc.
- Shop: Digital aspects
Car dealer
Limited product range, solution, if not, different car manufacturers and used car dealers differentiation:
- Motorcycle
- Cars
- Profession or transportation cars
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