since patch 2.0 , done plenty test .
my setup , i7 10750h rtx 2060 6Go SSD Nvme 2.0 16 Go ram
windows 11 ( with the last update , drivers )
FSR performing better than dlss ( but steel get that blurry/goshting image )
- when i set dlss on quality , temp gpu going crazy , drow power at maw even GPU used at 40%
- since patch 2.0 , with dlss enable max use on GPU 70% , but always go down to 40% et 60%
( before patch 2.0 , usage GPU always 80/90% )
- temp both cpu and gpu with FSR enable , 10/15¨¨ lower than with dlss
( average temp with FSR around 70°c with some few peak at 80¨C , with dlss enable temp keep rising to 80/84°c )
tested last drivers ndvia on other game , no issues with GPU usage and temp when dlss enable
SSR , global shadow setting , getting better performance , more smooth gameplay with SSR on ultra than high , and shadow setting on high than medium .
i may lost few fps , but no tearing , hip cup , lag
crow density setting
low setting seems broken , on some few aera , its keep spawn , despawn npc : make heavy frop fps
on medium setting , on the same aera it seems all fine , no lag , no drop fps ..
RT feature
FSR enable its more steady , i don't get the performance than with dlss enable but dlss and RT enable , getting drop fps , some lag ..
some more feedbacks
i finally fix the crazy temp on GPU/CPU going less "crazy"
1) going on windows power plant , reset by default the recommanded profil , economy energy
2) set max CPU usage , 99% ( disable the turbo boost cpu )
3) launch the game , a reset by default the setting graphics
4) relaunch the game and pick your setting
5) dlss quality , need to stay at 0.05 , if you change this setting temp cpu/GPU keep rising up even isn't on an heavy load case
6) if few rare case time you temp keep rising , quick save , quick load
in my case ,
setting crow density is broken at low setting , npc keep spawning , despawn that make the game extremey laggy .
Medium setting seems the sweat spot to keep your GPU busy and avoid some drop fps on few aera
Ray tracing
tested all options
RT reffexion only , that's works
RT local shadow only , no issues but need to set SSR at min ultra
( warning , if you enable DOF , if you set FOV under 85 , it'll may have some issues for shadow )
if i enable any RT lighting or sunlight ray shadow , my GPU usage go down to 40% and max 70% ..
i get finally a proper temp gpu/cpu , and GPU usage finally almost 90%
the funny part tested RT overdive with RR , my GPU used at 90-100% ( i can run it with dlss performance 900p , dlss auto , even if i move i get blurry image xD )
if RT feature RT lighting even at medium , RT sunlight local shadow ( even with lower global settting ) get my GPU usage 40_70% , and temp going rampant , tested at 720p , 900p , 1080p
my setup , i7 10750h rtx 2060 6Go SSD Nvme 2.0 16 Go ram
windows 11 ( with the last update , drivers )
FSR performing better than dlss ( but steel get that blurry/goshting image )
- when i set dlss on quality , temp gpu going crazy , drow power at maw even GPU used at 40%
- since patch 2.0 , with dlss enable max use on GPU 70% , but always go down to 40% et 60%
( before patch 2.0 , usage GPU always 80/90% )
- temp both cpu and gpu with FSR enable , 10/15¨¨ lower than with dlss
( average temp with FSR around 70°c with some few peak at 80¨C , with dlss enable temp keep rising to 80/84°c )
tested last drivers ndvia on other game , no issues with GPU usage and temp when dlss enable
SSR , global shadow setting , getting better performance , more smooth gameplay with SSR on ultra than high , and shadow setting on high than medium .
i may lost few fps , but no tearing , hip cup , lag
crow density setting
low setting seems broken , on some few aera , its keep spawn , despawn npc : make heavy frop fps
on medium setting , on the same aera it seems all fine , no lag , no drop fps ..
RT feature
FSR enable its more steady , i don't get the performance than with dlss enable but dlss and RT enable , getting drop fps , some lag ..
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some more feedbacks
i finally fix the crazy temp on GPU/CPU going less "crazy"
1) going on windows power plant , reset by default the recommanded profil , economy energy
2) set max CPU usage , 99% ( disable the turbo boost cpu )
3) launch the game , a reset by default the setting graphics
4) relaunch the game and pick your setting
5) dlss quality , need to stay at 0.05 , if you change this setting temp cpu/GPU keep rising up even isn't on an heavy load case
6) if few rare case time you temp keep rising , quick save , quick load
in my case ,
setting crow density is broken at low setting , npc keep spawning , despawn that make the game extremey laggy .
Medium setting seems the sweat spot to keep your GPU busy and avoid some drop fps on few aera
Ray tracing
tested all options
RT reffexion only , that's works
RT local shadow only , no issues but need to set SSR at min ultra
( warning , if you enable DOF , if you set FOV under 85 , it'll may have some issues for shadow )
if i enable any RT lighting or sunlight ray shadow , my GPU usage go down to 40% and max 70% ..
i get finally a proper temp gpu/cpu , and GPU usage finally almost 90%
the funny part tested RT overdive with RR , my GPU used at 90-100% ( i can run it with dlss performance 900p , dlss auto , even if i move i get blurry image xD )
if RT feature RT lighting even at medium , RT sunlight local shadow ( even with lower global settting ) get my GPU usage 40_70% , and temp going rampant , tested at 720p , 900p , 1080p
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