"The Devil" ending alternate variation should be possible. The concept of selling your soul to the devil for personal gain was wasted.

The Devil ending was mishandled imo. It should have been the ending where you're cured, and come out on top. But at the expense of everyone else. Silverhand hates you, your friends abandon you, but you survive. This ending should have had a variation where if you're not friends with Silverhand, didn't do his optional sidequest. They cure you completely. But you become the new Adam Smasher, taking his place as Arasaka's top operative. They could easily do this either by Hanako placing a kill-switch in your brain to ensure loyalty. Or by making you dependent on Arasaka medicine to keep living.

My first and favorite character when Cyberpunk 2077 came out was a female V corpo hopelessly loyal to Arasaka. How that ending was handled ultimately ruined the fun for me in terms of the evil corporate V. Because of the illogical and silly take that "ofc they gonna betray you". Felt and still feels very off that Arasaka would throw away their potentially greatest operative asset ever. Considering what V is capable of.

The Devil ending should have taken the "selling your soul to the devil" idea. Having you come out on top at the expense of everyone else. You're only left with Arasaka as your family.

Just wondering what your thoughts on it are. I just finished PL and as an Arasaka corp loyalist, I still feel cheated out of my real true ending.
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