The Hunt - Bugged Out Quest - PC

Does anyone else have an issue with The Hunt quest near the end when you & River get to the Farm?

Once I go into the barn thats it, I'm stuck in there and it won't actually do anything, River doesn't come over nor is there ANYTHING to do except inspect the bodies, I've reloaded the quest SOOO many times and always the same.

Doesn't matter if you disable security or not, and if you go back to River before the barn it askes you to get out the vehicle then drops you through the ground and fails the quest, or throws you back to NC and then River sends messages. But even then still won't resolve.

Any clues?
I'm having this same issue. I don't suppose you found any fix for it, yet?

River just stays crouched by the car, even when I make it to the roof of the barn and V tells him to come over.
If I drop down into the barn, I have the same issue as you, I can only interact with the kids' bodies.
If I go into the central room, there is a scannable computer on the wall, which according to a guide I found, you're supposed to be able to interact with in order to free the kids, but it's not interactable for me.

EDIT: Okay, I fixed the quest by reloading a save and doing a couple of things slightly differently, so I'm not sure what, specifically, did the trick. Here's what I did:
1. Reloaded a save before the quest's Braindance
2. Made sure to scan EVERYTHING in the BrainDance (I think I missed the Cow in the 2nd phase of the BD, the first time).
3. Did not skip the car ride to the farm.
4. Used the ladder to reach the roof, instead of double-jumping.

I think the most likely culprit for the quest getting bugged on my first attempt was skipping the car ride, but I'm not 100% sure.
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You have to load a auto save from before you enter the barn then go up the ladder on the left and wait till River enters the barn. He will find Randy, if you go in first he cant find him for some reason you should be ok from there.
Soled it. You have to reaload the save - the moment u get to the farm. Sometimes River doesnt get out of the car and waits - sits in it. CDPR pls fix :) <3 CP 2077
Gotta be kidding me!! After how many years later, a big “overhaul” patch for phantom liberty and this mission is STILL bugged out… I double jumped to get into the barn and spent way too much time trying to get something to happen. River was in there w/ me and just walked around like a dummy. I engaged Randy’s body and nothing …. Just to come here and learn that I had to climb some stupid ladder on the left of the barn to trigger River and move on…. WHAT A JOKE!!
I came across this same issue, what fixed it for me was reloading a save to before i go on the roof and making sure I used the ladder instead of jumping up, also I waited for river to jump into the barn from the walkway before i did and followed slowly behind him instead of running ahead
Created an account just to say this is still a problem.

I double-jumped to the roof, and beat River down into the barn, and from there he just followed me around and didn't go to Randy. You are effectively stuck inside the barn.

Reloaded an earlier save, and went up the ladder, let him jump down ahead of me, and the quest proceeded normally.
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