Here, we've compiled the all members of GWENT Partners Program as much as possible.
If you find typo, wrong URLs, any partners that we overlooked and so on, please let us know. We'll fix the list later.
(...there are some partners whose channels couldn't be found)
If you find typo, wrong URLs, any partners that we overlooked and so on, please let us know. We'll fix the list later.
(...there are some partners whose channels couldn't be found)
- Worldwide, EN
- ES, BR, CN, KO, JP
----------------------------- Special Thanks to REDs, especially @Alicja. and @RyanSchou -----------------------------
- Team Aretuza - Twitter/Site
- Team Leviathan Gaming - Twitter/Site
- Team Bandit Gang - Twitter/Site
- Team Elder Blood - Twitter/Site
- Team Legacy - Twitter/Site
- Team Kreve - Twitter/Site
- Claymore - Twitter/VK
- GwentDetta - Twitter/VK
- ESC Card Gaming - Twitter/Site
- Team Nova - Twitter/Site
- Sensual Team - Twitter/Site
- Team Manticora - Twitter/Site
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