The List of Official GWENT Partners

Here, we've compiled the all members of GWENT Partners Program as much as possible.
If you find typo, wrong URLs, any partners that we overlooked and so on, please let us know. We'll fix the list later.
(...there are some partners whose channels couldn't be found)


----------------------------- Special Thanks to REDs, especially @Alicja. and @RyanSchou -----------------------------​

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#The List of Official GWENT Partners 1 of 3

  1. Ace of Plays - Twitter/YouTube
  2. aifBowman [TLG] - Twitter
  3. Andasama [TLG] - Twitter
  4. Anxxia - Twitter/Twitch
  5. Apero [TA] - Twitter/Twitch
  6. Atrsharpe [TLG] - Twitter
  7. babyjosus [BG] - Twitter/Twitch
  8. Balrogfrog - Twitter/Twitch
  9. BananaSoup [TLG]
  10. BeardyBog [TLG] - Twitch
  11. BeeBoBoop - Twitter/Twitch
  12. Blappsapp - Twitter/Twitch
  13. Bobby Kazoole [TA] - Site
  14. Bomblin [BG] - Twitter/Twitch
  15. Botzking - Twitch
  16. Brandon [TLG]
  17. BushR [TLG] - Twitter/Twitch
  18. Callonetta - Twitter
  19. Cceely [TA] - Twitter/Twitch
  20. CheddarPaul - Twitter/Twitch
  21. Crozyr [TA] - Twitter/Twitch
  22. Dark Fluffy - YouTube
  23. DevilDriven [TLG] - Twitter/Twitch
  24. Domen Bezjak - YouTube
  25. DrDenuz - Twitter/YouTube
  26. @DRK3 - Thread
  27. Duffman_USA - Twitch
  28. @Easha - Site
  29. Eldena - Twitch
  30. Euerfeldi - Twitter/Twitch
  31. FarSide_ofTheMoon - Twitter/Twitch
  32. Freddybabes [TLG] - Twitter/Twitch
  33. Fuchsia Briefs - Twitter/YouTube
  34. GabbyDigs [Legacy] - Twitter/Twitch
  35. GhostArya [ST] - Twitter/Twitch
  36. Gorflow [TLG] - Twitter
  37. Green Cricket [TA] - Twitter/YouTube
  38. Green-Knight [TLG]
  39. Guello - Twitch/Site
  40. gulox2 - Twitter/Twitch
  41. Hippotompotomus - Twitter
  42. Jagdulf [TLG] - Twitter
  43. Jaggerous [TLG] - Twitter/Twitch
    • Faction Ambassador (NG)
  44. Janis Vilce [TLG]
  45. JMJWilson23 [TA] - Twitter/Twitch
  46. John Dale Beety [TA] - Twitter/Twitch
  47. Jonas Thoustrup Saber [TLG]
  48. kingchezz93 [TLG] - Twitter/Twitch
  49. KingDenpai [BG] - Twitter
  50. KG_HeartsandWine [TK] - Twitter/Twitch
  51. KOB - Twitch
  52. kungfoorabbit - Twitter/Twitch
  53. KupoMagic - Twitch
  54. Kyle the bearded gamer - Twitter/Twitch
  55. Laine Gates
  56. lerio2 [Legacy] - Twitter
  57. Lionhart - Twitter/Twitch
  58. Lothari - Twitter/YouTube
  59. lspreadl (Turkish partner) - Twitch
  60. Luna Arcana - Twitter/Twitch
  61. Markthius - Twitch
  62. Mercernn [BG] - Twitter/YouTube
  63. Mike Maragni - YouTube
  64. Minuano [TLG] - Site
  65. MissLadyJay - Twitter/Twitch
  66. misterhabbla1 - Twitter/Twitch
  67. Neyrok37 - Twitch
  68. Nimraphael [TLG]
  69. OceanMud - Twitter/Twitch
    • Faction Ambassador (MT)
  70. Pajabol [TLG] - Twitter/Twitch
  71. QuillandLance [TLG] - Twitter/Twitch
  72. Qupor [TLG] - Twitter
  73. Radu Andrada [TLG] - Twitter/Twitch
  74. Redrame [TA] - Twitter/Twitch
  75. RhaldyTV - Twitter/Twitch
  76. ShadowPlay [TLG] - Twitter
  77. Shinmiri [TA] - Twitter/Twitch
    • Faction Ambassador (SK)
  78. Sir Loathing [TLG] - YouTube
  79. SirPumpkn - Twitter/Twitch
    • Faction Ambassador (ST)
  80. SpecimenGwent [TLG] - Twitter/Twitch
  81. Spiderchicken9 - Twitter
  82. Spyro_ZA [TLG] - Twitter/Twitch
  83. SquiggyV - Twitter/Twitch
  84. Stellabrate [TLG] - Twitter/Twitch
  85. Swan Dive
  86. Synergygod3773 [BG] - Twitter/Twitch
  87. TexasTrihard - Twitter/Twitch
  88. TheaBeasty [TA] - Twitter/Twitch
  89. TheGraveCrawler - Twitter/Twitch
  90. thekeyer [TLG]
  91. TheOneChristo [BG] - Twitter/Twitch
  92. TroVNut [TEB] - Twitter/YouTube
  93. Trynet - Twitter/Twitch
    • Faction Ambassador (SY)
  94. WatchFlake - Twitter/Twitch
  95. Weevil [BG] - Twitter/Twitch
  96. Weissenberg - Twitter/Twitch
  97. WhatsUpWoody - Twitter/Twitch
  98. WholesomeGMNG - Twitter/Twitch
  99. Wusubi [TLG]
  100. Zade - Twitter/Twitch
  101. ZigZigZak_Guy [BG] - Twitter/Twitch
  102. Zubedoo [BG] - Twitter/Twitch
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#The List of Official GWENT Partners 2 of 3

  1. AgraveiN - Twitter/Twitch
  2. Azonh - Twitter/Twitch
  3. Brzoza - Twitter/Twitch
  4. Callorypher - Twitch
  5. Drobniak12 - Twitch
  6. Gwint24 - Twitter/Site
  7. Hesser - Twitter/Twitch
  8. Ibas - Twitch
  9. ili_diann - Twitter/Twitch
  10. Iorweth - YouTube
  11. Just_the_Phil - Twitch
  12. Karczmarz - YouTube
  13. Kondzioplayer - Twitter/YouTube
  14. Kurikara - Twitter/Site
  15. Lord of Gwent - YouTube
  16. Ojciec Dwójki Dzieci - YouTube
  17. Pawloex - Twitch
  18. PiotrCNS - Twitter/Twitch
  19. Reynevan - YouTube
  20. SadFury - Twitch
  21. Suchy - Twitter/YouTube
  22. Szymon Burak
  23. Tata i Syn - Twitter/Twitch
  24. Veruis - Twitter/Twitch
  25. Xioniz - YouTube
  1. _Dedok_ [Claymore]
  2. [Gwent]Klays - YouTube
  3. Aleksander Cherepanov
  4. AleX_Dobermann [GD] - Twitch
  5. Andei Yankovski
  6. Dan Kazyrnovich [Claymore]
  7. Denis Krasov [Claymore]
  8. Gloomkafilth
  9. gwentguru - Site
  10. Handreader - YouTube
  11. house_of_cards - Twitter/Twitch
  12. KatyFrost - Twitch
  13. Kramushka [Claymore] - Twitch
  14. LeaveNeed [Claymore] - Twitch
  15. MagecT - YouTube
  16. MagWTF [Claymore] - Twitch
  17. MichanIV [Claymore]
  18. MrSweetPiggy - Twitch
  19. Necrotal - Twitter/Twitch
  20. NOD - YouTube
  21. Porechka - Twitter/Twitch
  22. raydenovich - Twitter/Twitch
  23. RoadHouse - Twitch
  24. RomanBabayan - Twitch
  25. Runium - Twitch
  26. satshime - Twitter/Twitch
  27. Sevenlucky - Twitch
  28. Snake [Claymore] - Twitch
  29. stiG - Twitch
  30. TakHado - Twitch
  31. Tavern of Gwent - Twitch
  32. tech_xx1 - Twitch
  33. Telegram Gwent - Twitter/Teletype
  34. VendettaSc - YouTube
  35. Webkisha [Claymore] - Twitter
  36. W1edzminn [GD] - Twitch
  37. Wild Card - Site
  1. akaBoogeyman - Twitch
  2. Bearded bastard briggs - Twitter/Twitch
  3. BopOmb [TEB] - YouTube/Site
  4. BrauerAtze - Twitter/Twitch
  5. Dogma - Twitter/Twitch
  6. @GWENTPartner - Twitch/YouTube
  7. KaFu [TA] - Twitter/Twitch
  8. NewPieceYT - Twitch
  9. Sch3iki - Twitter/Twitch
  10. Tizo - Twitch
  11. United Playground - Twitter/YouTube
  12. Yangtse42 [TLG] - Twitter
  13. YooGoo Gaming - Twitter/Twitch
  1. @ArtNhr [TEB] - Twitter/Twitch
  2. Faberstein - Twitter/Twitch
  3. MacLogan - Twitter/Twitch
  4. Osymandias - Twitter/Twitch (GFR)
  5. Owiiiii - Twitter/Twitch
  6. R3mArk - Twitch/Twitch (GFR)
  7. Ultraman1996 - Twitter/Twitch
  1. Alberto Movio [ESC] - Twitter/Twitch
  2. Babayaga - Twitch
  3. Calupama [ESC] - Twitter/Twitch
  4. Clauz [ESC] - Twitter/Twitch
  5. Grumperis - Twitter/Twitch
  6. Maddalena Golia
  7. MGwent - Twitter/Twitch
  8. Miranda The Tempest [ESC] - Twitter/Twitch
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#The List of Official GWENT Partners 3 of 3

  1. 5Ares5 [TN] - Twitter/Twitch
  2. Aforismos [TN] - Twitter/Twitch
  3. Ashphilo [TN] - Twitter/Twitch
  4. Elsa Simu [ST] - Twitter/YouTube
  5. Flowystein - Twitter/Twitch
  6. Frankaunico [ST] - Twitch
  7. Infinity Mau [ST] - Twitter/Twitch
  8. Jamedi [TN] - Twitter/Twitch
  9. Jordimeleni [ST] - YouTube
  10. Kurinokisan - Twitter/Twitch
  11. Max Tremere - Twitter/Twitch
  12. Miketocome [TN] - Twitch
  13. SerchWesker - Twitch
  14. Sanxesss [TN] - Twitter/Twitch
  15. Shinlak - Twitch
  16. Sir Falquian [ST] - YouTube
  17. Xander TNPX [TN] - Twitter/YouTube
  18. ZekyMurcia - Twitter/Twitch
  1. @Andreperesnl - Twitter/Site
  2. Branca93 [BG] - Twitter/Twitch
  3. BrokenLamp Games - Twitter/YouTube
  4. Contos do Bardo - Twitter/YouTube
  5. Feededigno
  6. Geeks United
  7. Gwent Mobile Brasil - Twitter/YouTube
  8. GwentarTV - Twitter/Twitch
  9. GwentSoul - Twitch
  10. Gwentzando - YouTube
  11. Hends - Twitch
  12. Korvach - Twitter/Twitch
  13. Lamp1aum - Twitch
  14. LinkNecross - Twitter/Twitch
  15. PunhoSuave
  16. Renan Alboy - Twitter/YouTube
  17. Taverna de Rivia - Twitter/YouTube
  18. The_Gton - Twitch/YouTube
  19. TheMG7 - YouTube
  20. Vale do Pontar - Twitter/YouTube
  1. CN Gwent Monthly Snapshot -
  2. DexterOcupied
  3. hana - Twitter/
  4. iAhri - Twitter/
  5. loveHBB -
  7. Mr.Marror -
  8. wangid1 - Twitter/
  9. zxipip -
  10. 幻影流年乄 -
  11. 睡神Maste -
  12. 蛋总 -
  13. 冥狱无双 -
  14. 猥琐绅士 -
  15. 笨蛋情侣 -
  16. 咖喱 -
  17. 拧发条鸟 -
  18. 猎魔人杰洛特 -
  1. Cynicat - Twitch
  2. Gravekper - Twitter/Twitch
  3. Hankook [TLG] - Twitch
  4. KeoDaRan - Twitch
  5. Stray_do9 - Twitch
  6. Tzeentch - Twitch
  7. Vulcantic - Twitter/Twitch
  8. yspoi2912 - Twitch
  1. aquadrops74 - Twitter/Twitch
  2. Aruku - Twitter/YouTube
  3. Bargain_zoness - Twitter/YouTube
  4. hannsu24 - Twitter/YouTube
  5. haya_at_HONEY - Twitter
  6. Momen - Twitter/Twitch
  7. mya-mon369 [TLG] - Twitter/Twich
  8. Namidame - Twitter/YouTube
  9. @NipponGwent - Twitter
  10. RED-RUM - Twitter/Twitch
  11. Yular - Twitter/YouTube
  12. 緑青(Rokusyo) - Twitter/Twitch
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This post just appeared as new on my feed, but I should mention your number #1 official partner in EN (Ace of Plays) announced he was quitting Gwent like a week ago...
This post just appeared as new on my feed, but I should mention your number #1 official partner in EN (Ace of Plays) announced he was quitting Gwent like a week ago...

Updated; as of now, I only removed the link to his channels, his name remained with grey color.
Thank you for the information.

I change the color of some other inactive partners or who quit playing GWENT as well.
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Updated; as of now, I only removed the link to his channels, his name remained with grey color.
Thank you for the information.

I change the color of some other inactive partners or who quit playing GWENT as well.
If I'm not mistaken, (FR) Ultraman1996 also announced he was quitting gwent some weeks ago.
If I'm not mistaken either, (FR) MacLogan and R3m_Ark went dark, and Owiiiiii transitioned to LoR too.
If I'm not mistaken either, (FR) MacLogan and R3m_Ark went dark, and Owiiiiii transitioned to LoR too.
Thank you for sharing the information, I'll update a couple of days (Sorry, I don't have much time atm).

Addendum: I'd also like to thank you all for filling me in on latest information. If you notice some new GWENT partners, please let me know any time. I’ll add them to the list as well.


Forum veteran
Thank you, and i shouldnt be the only new partner to be added to the list - quite a few more players were added shortly after me, to the discord partners server, they should probably be added as well.

Add some new members to the list:
*special thanks to @DRK3 and @haldQQ
  • Bomblin
  • TheOneChristo
  • Zubedoo
  • GabbyDigs
  • KOB
  • Kramushka
  • Telegram Gwent
  • Sanxesss
  • Jordimeleni
  • aquadrops74
If you've got any information like typo, wrong URL or even unlisted partners, please let me know. Thank you. <3
Well i just entered in the twitch/youtube from the BRs partners (since i am a BR too) and seems only

Brokenlamp Games


Taverna de Rivia

are active and doing streams and other things to gwent. The rest dont upload a vídeo more than a year.
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