Deck Opinions?

Deck Opinions?

I just reached 18 with my Henselt "play everything" deck, and I'm really curious to hear everyone's opinion on it. The majority of it is set in my head, but I'm always waffling on the last three cards (right now Shackles and two Mardoeme.) And I'm curious to hear everyone's opinions on it. I enjoy it so much because you get to play almost everything, if not everything in it if you go all three rounds.
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R.I.P. mulligan phase

Tried a similar deck myself, but I could never make it work because the mulligan screwed me over 90% of the times.
That can happen every now and then, but over all you just have to keep your head and think up a good work around, and be careful about what you mulligan, take a decent start over a perfect start. One reason I enjoy this deck (and why it works decently) is because you have quite a few options for opening hands, not just one.
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