Help! How do you enable health regneration?

I can't seem to get health regeneration to work.

There are food items that say they increase regen by a certain percentage, but I never regenerated health. I even went to my apartment to be sure that I was outside of combat.

So I thought "What if my regen is by default 0? Increasing that by any percent is still 0. So I found a cybermod that gives me 2 points of health a second outside of combat, got it installed by a ripper doc, but still no health regen, even in my apartment. What am I missing? What do I need to do to enable health regeneration?
you need to get out combat and eat food. for regenerate health .
emm . you need to go out that room for eat it.


But as I said, I did leave combat. I even went all the way to my apartment to ensure that I was out of combat. I ate food in my apartment and still did not regenerate health. I also installed cyberware outside of combat and still no health regen.
Normal health regeneration only goes a certain amount , I think default 60%? To get more you have to invest in Body perks that can increase it to 100%. Stimpaks with regen will get you past that point or just straight heal you up depending on the stimpak type. Think a lot of the food drinks are Buffs/Debuffs only, could be wrong. check what the consumable says.
I see, so the issue is that I have > 60% current health and regen doesn't kick in?

Is there a place I can see what my current regen max is?
Info may not be available at character stat page, but if it's anywhere, it should be there.

Non combat health regeneration worked for me IIRC but what I looked around at least some arms cyberware can glitch with perk and stop health regeneration working.

FYI: None of perks related to health regeneration in combat worked for me at all. Played on Xbox One X.

Patch 1.1 should drop 23rd/24th and let's see.
Unless you put points into "Epimorphosis" in Athletics you will be at 60%, after 3 points in that it will be at 70/80/100%. Only things that will heal you past that point is anything that says "Heal ##% of your hp, or ##% Hp per second" Anything that increases health regen will only work to your cap.
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