Any Hope of Gore With Quickhacks?

I’m curious if we’ll ever have the option of popping heads, blowing up bodies, or destroying limbs with Quickhacks? The lack of gore is what really made me lose interest with either Blunt or Brawling, as well as Quickhacks. Guns and Blades seemed like the far superior options. And it doesn’t seem like there was much love shown to gunslingers or samurai’s with the new Relic tree and perks. In fact, it mostly seems to emphasize Quickhacking. I’m honestly feeling a bit mistrustful of this DLC. First they change the hardware requirements for a game released 3 years ago, and now it seems like they’re completely redoing the character build options and combat. This is edging into bad faith advertising when I purchase a game with one set of specifications and then it gets changed into something else. Isn’t there any kind of ethics about this?
Well blunt weapons are supposed to be the "non-lethal" option so it doesn't make much sense for them destroy limbs. I know gorilla arms can explode heads, but that may just be a bug.
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