Getting cards instead of daily rewards -- Getting common's is cheap

EDIT: I'd just like to mention that this thread may be completely misguided... The real problem is the UI makes it seem like instead of getting 15 powder, or whatever your reward is, you only get a card. It appears as if you get both... if this is they case, why not just have them side by side rather than the card completely taking the place of the regular reward?

Original complaint below (which is wondering if the card you get replaces the reward):
I'm not sure if this is by design, but getting cards you already have instead of a reward has one issue -- common cards only disenchant for 10 scrap...

Unless I'm mistaken, and you get both, this is kind of a rip off. I know many players have full collections, so this doesn't affect them, but I'd much rather just have 15 ore or whatever the reward was, rather than getting a common card I already owned.

I know you can get any card, but I've only ever gotten an epic once, and a legendary once. Most other times it's commons. This significantly lowers the expected value of your daily rewards.
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Forum veteran
Card is one of rewards and game can display only one reward at time.
The same goes with RP from prestige 4 - game does display them very rarely.
After a match I often see one of the resources displayed as a reward and then a card. Is this a bug or I get then both?
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