GIG: HOT MERCHANDISE, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005), The thread attempted to read inaccessible data at 0x68..

Once you're in the basement, if you choose to Kill & Hide body for the ogre guarding Rebecca Price, the game will crash, EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005), The thread attempted to read inaccessible data at 0x68..
If you kill and then hide body in separate steps, the game does not crash.

This is reproducible.


  • Cyberpunk2077.exe-20240329-184518-12856-14256.txt
    8.1 KB · Views: 34
I have had this happen last week also. I replicated it 5 times and all the same results, crashed every time.
I contacted CDPR tech support and the rep ( I won't mention their name. They have the records anyway ) asked me for my DxDiag which I sent.
The following email from the rep told me my comp did not meet the minimum spec requirements, that's all. No elaboration.

My comp is considered by today's standards as low end:
i5 Intel Core Quad CPU
8 GB RAM (motherboard locked)
Nvidia 2 GB GTX 960 Graphics Card
460 PSU

Despite my computer's specs I have been happily playing Cyberpunk 2077 for 3 years at about 40 - 50 fps (sometimes it goes 60) without any major problems apart from the 2021 summer update which prevented even loading the game (which I left for 6 months until it was fixed).
Needless to say I found the rep's response somewhat insulting obviously showing a disregard to bother to investigate properly.

I explained that I figured out a work-around which was to reload the mission again simply not use the crate kill. That every other mission in the game didn't bug this way and I just wanted to help. I expressed my dissatisfaction and only then was the rep willing to investigate further, but only via video footage and the save file.

First off I don't have video capture software and secondly I don't use a smartphone ( the assumption that everyone does is a miss step ).
I know proof helps and but after the initial 'Don't-care' response why would I keep the save file once I figured out a way around it? It kind of felt like I was being accused of making this up, yet a quick scan of Google shows quite a few other players have had the EXACT same bug reported YEARS ago so again this rep didn't even bother to check previous bug reports on this same issue.

Really disappointed with this service.
Do you happen to have a 13 or 14th gen i9 intel Processor? In that case make sure your MB has PL1 and PL2 and current core amp set to the intel spec. For my I9 14900KF for example its 253, 253 and 307. Also turn on XMP if you can. This should solve those crashes for you :)

Good luck Choom
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