Gig: Hot Merchandise

Umm, the target is being blackmailed.

Conversation Rebecca and Unknown:
Rebecca: I'm doing what I can
Unknown: That is of no concern to me
Unknown: I want the next shipment by next week
Unknown: And if I don't get it
Rebecca: Don't touch her
Unknown: Then you'll get another finger

Yet the only option V gets is to kill her, no conversation starts to get information and perhaps kill the blackmailer and solve the problem from the cause instead of the effect. Just solving the effect without solving the cause results in the effect spawning up again.

This is a mission writer error that should have a better solution installed into it.
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You don't have to kill her.
If you render her unconscious, the fixer tells you they're sending a car. You then get an objective to take her to the car and put her in the trunk.

This let me head-canon that she'd get a chance to explain her side of the story before she was killed. After all, why would the fixer ask you to bring her out if they were not going to talk to her.

But I 100% agree there was a better story path in discovering the blackmail and going after that person instead.
I'm not sure what to think of this but it sort of highlights certain things about nature of mercenary work.
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