Hello, Night City!

The color pallet and cleanliness of the Night City in the trailer was a bit jarring at first but I forgot that the city is in Southern Cal. Not sure if a real Southern Cal city is the right image if CDPR wants to get that class conflict dystopia vibe.

Grown up a NYC kid I honestly could not tell the difference between the bad and middle class neighborhoods in LA just by looking at the streets. The are few signs of urban decay anywhere because there are no urban concrete canyons and cold harsh winters with their scars from neglect in prominent display. LA's uber rich also don't really live or usually play in "LA" to elicit the kind of resentments from day to day contacts. It's not like in NYC until recently that the most expensive properties in the world was right adjacent to the most dangerous areas. The contrast between classes is even more drastic during the bad times like in the 70s and 80s or during winter. Southern Cal does not have the Dicksonian urban contrast because the weather and that the classes aren't squeezed together. I get that CDPR is trying to get that LA/SF look because that where the source material places it (also that a flat open world space is much easier to build than a vertical one) but there is a reason that dystopian fictional megalopolises never look anything like the real spread out LA. That's why Escape from NY is a classic and Escape from LA is a joke. The weather alone also eliminates Southern Cal from worst to live cities list.

Of course if CDPR is going for more of a "sin city" vibe rather than a class segregated dystopian tinderbox then Night City in the trailer looks perfectly fine, just don't be bothered if people keep comparing it to GTA5.
Even my wife who hates sci-fi wants to play this game

One thing that the trailer does, and I will assume the next infos about the game will do it too, is playing with our mentality and concepts we have.
IRL Cyberpunk attitude, in here and everywhere else.
not sure what your unsure about
If you have a minute, do visit cyberpunk.net and share your opinion (about anything) with us. We read everything you post and treat it very seriously.

Sure, why not - although that last sentence is so (corp-like) "usual PR talk" you cannot possibly mean it, can you?

The new trailer:

I didn't expect actual gameplay footage, there was none, so it's all good. I take cinematics trying to convey mood or the general tone of a game over nothing any day of the week.

I liked that you're trying to mix it up a little in regards to the protrayal of the world and society, especially in comparison to the first teaser cinematic trailer from 5 years ago. There's the bog standard sci-fi neo-noir stuff and an obvious emphasis on 80s-influenced tech noir but also elements reminiscent of more recent films like Dredd or even Elysium. The contrast of showing Night City (and yes, I did my homework and am aware of the city name's origin) mostly during daytime I thought was a clever thing to do. Nothing like effing with people's expectations a little.

I also liked that the trailer was narrated by and centered around a single character, seemingly confirming yet again that Cyberpunk 2077 is indeed "a true single-player, story-driven RPG" where the main focus is not about saving the world but yourself, and yourself only. Although I could have done with something a little different than default buff buzzcut-guy off the shelf. In case you actually were trying to do something different by NOT going for something (or someone rather) representing "inclusiveness" and "equality" and all those other things - well played. Again, nothing like effing with people's expectations a little.

As for the game itself and its gameplay I'd like to point you to Gamasutra's resp. Felipe Pepe's write-up on the history of the Quest Compass & its dreadful convenience, as this is something I'm still very concerned about, especially after Wild Hunt's failings in this regard. I really would like to see Cyberpunk 2077 do better on that front and NOT overly or even exclusively rely on any kind of "Witcher Senses" or mini maps or quest compasses to traverse the world.
Please make sure to write EVERY quest or mission in such a way that you can (optionally of course) orientate and navigate on landmarks, points of interest, even cardinal directions alone, and without any "hand-holding".

Peter Molyneux's closing quote in the linked article is particularly on point in this regard:

"Mini-maps are shit. They're shit because you make these multimillion-dollar games, and people play them staring at these little dots."

Thanks for reading (and/or not reading).
I loved everything about the trailer. Never played GTA or Watchdogs, but I played Witcher 3 and all recent tactical games from the Shadowrun series on PC. Probably I would hate graphics and style if I played aforementioned games but I didn't, so good for me I guess.

I also read 4 cyberpunk books in last 5 years and this trailer captures a lot of themes I liked in the books. Very much looking forward to the game.
I hope Cdprojekt will stick to their vision and wont start making their games "super mature edgy dark for the sake of being super mature edgy dark''. Imagine Witcher trilogy without all the humor and bright moments and goofines. Always suprised when people called Witcher series super dark. I always remembered it being really colourful and varied(writting, locations etc.) This setting seems to be even more varied and I like it.
Many people want dirty, darker atmosphere (instead of palms and sunshine beaches) not only because it fits the universe, but also because if they want palms and sunshine beaches, they can always play GTA V etc.
There is plenty of the dirty, darker atmosphere in the trailer. There are also some flashy and brighter moments in the trailer that are very appropriate with the setting. I don't actually understand the issue as it looks to capture the feel of Cyberpunk 2020 very well.
Do some people think cyberpunk cities have to only take place at night in the pouring rain?

I love Blade Runner too, but that's not the end all be all "look" for Cyberpunk.

Those cities have days not just nights. You can still have dark-gritty areas and stories in the world while also having a little humor here and there and some more colorful aesthetics that come into play during the day or certain areas of the city.
Do some people think cyberpunk cities have to only take place at night in the pouring rain?

I love Blade Runner too, but that's not the end all be all "look" for Cyberpunk.

I think it’s said in the 2020 manual too that cyberpunk and daytime don’t mix. So it’s not just Bladerunner.
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Whenever I think cyberpunk genre, I automatically think of the first edition of shadowrun for the feel.


The original teaser really captured the right feeling of grittiness and brutality.

So I think its fair that people are comparing the trailer to GTA, it does give that vibe. With that said, the atmosphere is the only thing that is throwing me off, because like everybody else, I was expecting a more darker and gritty environment. It just seems to bright and clean, which would work in the rich and nice areas, but even the ghetto areas in the trailer looked to nice. It probably looks better once the weather cycles through, so we should see how it plays out. Honestly though, that is my only complaint, because everything else looks great, especially the 80's punk aesthetic.

If it is just a visual thing, maybe they can put in a special light filter or weather control options in the options menu so we can adjust it to be a bit more grim.
As expected this forums are blowing up. And like many of you I've come to immerse myself in the hype, but I am confused at the negative responses to what is still just a teaser trailer.

I've seen a post stating that the trailer lacked atmosphere, which was hilarious to me. A consistency in the responses to those who aren't as enthused, is that the new trailer doesn't seem "dark" enough. It looks like people are literally objecting that there is a sun in the game world, or perhaps even a day time cycle at all?

As I've only peeked in on this site over the years and will admit I'm not well versed in the lore, could someone explain why this trailer seems to be such an aestheical departure from your expectations? Looking at the first trailer and this one, they look to me to exist in the same place, just one is at night and the other in the day. There is no "smog" or "garbage everywhere" in the first trailer. They look pretty consistent as far as aestheics are concerned.

In regard to themes, you see violence, poverty and hints at class conflicts and gang warfare. The trailer literally has a cyberpunk atmosphere. Some have mentioned Blade Runner, I also got some Akira vibes to it. You see folk balling in the slums, some friends sharing a beer on an estate. I'm so confused concerning some of the responses in the forum. Please let me know if I'm missing an inconsistency in the lore or something.
I hope Cdprojekt will stick to their vision and wont start making their games "super mature edgy dark for the sake of being super mature edgy dark''. Imagine Witcher trilogy without all the humor and bright moments and goofines. Always suprised when people called Witcher series super dark. I always remembered it being really colourful and varied(writting, locations etc.) This setting seems to be even more varied and I like it.

It seems like a lot of people are misisng all the variety shown in the trailer simply because the sun is out. The exact same trailer at night would not cause a fuss, I'd put money it.
I think it’s said in the 2020 manual too that cyberpunk and daytime don’t mix. So it’s not just Bladerunner.

Strait from the rulebook.

The urban environment is critical to your
Cyberpunk world. Whether you use our
Night City or create your own, remember
that your setting has to have all the right
elements. There should be garbage-strewn
alleyways. There should be bodies lying in
the gutters. There should be wild-eyed
lunatics, staggering through pre-dawn
streets, muttering darkly and clutching sharp
knives. Taxis won't stop in the combatzones.
There are firefights at the streetcorner as the
local gangs slug it out. Players should find
their apartments regularly broken into, their
cars vandalized, their property stolen.
Crossing town should be like crossing a
battlefield, filled with looters, riots, crazies
and muggers.
And it always rains. Every day should be
grim, gloomy and overcast. The stars never
come out. The sun never shines. There are
no singing birds, no laughing children. (The
last bird died in 2008 and the kids are grown
in vats.) The ozone layer decayed, the
greenhouse effect took over, the sky is full of
hydrocarbons and the ocean full of sludge.
Nice place.*

Hopefully they got an ingame reason why the world is so much better than in 2020. Let me just say that pretty much most of us are still going to love the game and gush over it when we get it. It is just different from what a lot of us were expecting.
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Strait from the rulebook.

Hopefully they got an ingame reason why the world is so much better than in 2020. Let me just say that pretty much most of us are still going to love the game and gush over it when we get it. It is just different from what a lot of us were expecting.

Still, the game is set in 2077 so things might have changed. Especially considering that Mike Pondsmith worked with CDPR on the setting/lore of the game and his comments were full of approval of what they are doing with it.
Strait from the rulebook.

Hopefully they got an ingame reason why the world is so much better than in 2020. Let me just say that pretty much most of us are still going to love the game and gush over it when we get it. It is just different from what a lot of us were expecting.

Thanks for this, it helps me understand where people are coming from. I think you're right when you mention the time difference between the two may have the answer as to why the world looks so different.

I still maintain that even in the first trailer that the world didn't look that bad though!
Trailer grew on me the more I watched it but I'm still a bit disappointed in much of the aesthetic shown. Part of Cyberpunk is the inherent look, there's just no denying it. You can have all the pink mohawks & 80s retro you want but there needs to be a certain look IMO. The daytime lighting just didn't do it for me. Too bright. The streets - too clean.

Like ok, tell me this doesn't look like Far Cry, or Watch_Dogs, or GTA.
The original trailer perfectly cover the style of Cyberpunk world, whereas the new trailer show us not cyberpunk world, but the world of TWD2 in the nearest future....


Still wait the next gameplay trailer. Maybe there you can change my mind, and show the dark cyberpunk world.....
For now.... I am dissapointed with this...
As expected this forums are blowing up. And like many of you I've come to immerse myself in the hype, but I am confused at the negative responses to what is still just a teaser trailer.

I've seen a post stating that the trailer lacked atmosphere, which was hilarious to me. A consistency in the responses to those who aren't as enthused, is that the new trailer doesn't seem "dark" enough. It looks like people are literally objecting that there is a sun in the game world, or perhaps even a day time cycle at all?

As I've only peeked in on this site over the years and will admit I'm not well versed in the lore, could someone explain why this trailer seems to be such an aestheical departure from your expectations? Looking at the first trailer and this one, they look to me to exist in the same place, just one is at night and the other in the day. There is no "smog" or "garbage everywhere" in the first trailer. They look pretty consistent as far as aestheics are concerned.

In regard to themes, you see violence, poverty and hints at class conflicts and gang warfare. The trailer literally has a cyberpunk atmosphere. Some have mentioned Blade Runner, I also got some Akira vibes to it. You see folk balling in the slums, some friends sharing a beer on an estate. I'm so confused concerning some of the responses in the forum. Please let me know if I'm missing an inconsistency in the lore or something.

I have not played the tabletop game myself to know the lore but cyberpunk established itself in the 70s and 80s where urban decay, physical as well as psychological, and hopelessness in class struggle were mainstream. It was also a time where technology was not viewed as means of liberation but oppression. Cyberpunk is about surviving and challenging that claustrophobic rigidity and hopeless decay. That world does not fit well in the open air and nice weather of our impression of Southern California which the second trailer captures.
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