How old are you ?

I'm 17... and... I'm rly happy... Bcuz... My birthday is 31 October sooo The Witcher will be my best birthday gift ever... Should I tell mum&dad? hum... :D I didn't know ppl interested in The Witcher r so mature :) but it's cool. And I'm rly happy that Sapkowski is known all over the world.
Guess im not the only one after all. I'm 17, the first video games I played was either.. Zelda: Ocarina of time or Mario 64. Ah.. the memories :)
I'm 25, so I guess that makes me middle-aged here. ;DI think the first game I played was the original 'King's Quest', but it may have been 'Hack' (back before it was 'Nethack'). *chuckles* I wonder how many other four-year-olds went around quaffing puce potions? :D
MasPingon said:
MasPingon said:
well just call me Granddad then LOL Will be 47 this coming Nov ;DI was 13 when I played my frist game and that was pong LOL
Hey seeker, don't you play Painkiller online?
@MasPingon sorry I dint see your post to me earlyer Nope I never played Painkiller online Im not much for playing online game anymore kind of burned out on that lol Played a lot of UO and Skilkroad. @ Abigail your not Midle age just yet you got at least 10 more yrs to go ;)
Thorstan said:
Lol!!! :D But, but i have eaten all my vegetables :-\
Ok, but you can only play the USA edited version :Dhehe, but seriously, I hope my kid thinks of me as cool and not some old boring nerd.
AnTi said:
Another nine days and I'm 22 ;D (Oct.11).
We have the same birthday - except I'm turning 30. *sigh*I started playing when I was 5 or 6 years old. Atari 2600, then a C-64/Atari 800XL, IBM XT, IBM AT, Atari 1040ST... I've pretty much always been a computer gamer, aside from that Atari when I was a little kid, I didn't even own a console until I got an X-Box specifically to play KotOR.
Mike113 said:
By the way first game I remember was "international karate" on atari.
Man, I wasted 6 joysticks playing that game. I also remeber North & South (that was an amiga game) and Road Race. I had those games recorded on tapes, so it took about one hour to load it onto computer. If I was lucky of course. Usually there was an error after 40 minutes of loading and I had to start over again. That was crazy.BTW I'm 29 and I'm very glad to meet you guys.
I'm 25 and my first game probably was "Bruce Lee" or "Wonderboy" for the C64 when I was 5. Soon after that I learned my first english words with Maniac Mansion. Never bothered with consoles until the PS2 (except for the ones some friends had), but had the mentioned C64, an Amiga 2000 (Dungeon Master was one hell of a game, still like to play it now and then) and seriosly switched to the PC around the time between 1990 and 1992, because I was pretty happy playing Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis on the PC (the Amiga version came on 11 disks :eek:). From 1990 and 1992 I think I might have been pretty annoying for my brother, because he owned a PC then, which I constantly used for gaming ;)
Hey, somebody else who loved Fate of Atlantis! That was the first game I played with voices (only had King's Quests V and VI on diskette), and the acting was quite good. Ah, the golden age of adventure gaming--how lucky we were to have been old enough to enjoy it. 8)
Abigail said:
Hey, somebody else who loved Fate of Atlantis! That was the first game I played with voices (only had King's Quests V and VI on diskette), and the acting was quite good. Ah, the golden age of adventure gaming--how lucky we were to have been old enough to enjoy it. 8)
Yeah, that game was great. However, I was not fortunate enough to play that one with voices. Had to endure PC speaker beeping at that time and some crappy Adlib sound later on. So no voices for me :( Still, was great fun and I managed to get my hands on a copy with voices later. They were surprisingly good, I have to agree.
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