Invisible Dettlaff bug (both PC and ios)
M MaxisZ Forum regular #1 Nov 4, 2019 Invisible Dettlaff bug (both PC and ios) Last edited: Nov 4, 2019
borut0207 Forum regular #2 Nov 4, 2019 Oh, that was us playing Yep, something's going on... It seems when a deathwish unit gets resurrected the card doesn't show on board, but the point count is correct. This also happened to me with Ancient Foglet in training mode.
Oh, that was us playing Yep, something's going on... It seems when a deathwish unit gets resurrected the card doesn't show on board, but the point count is correct. This also happened to me with Ancient Foglet in training mode.
devivre Moderator #3 Nov 5, 2019 It’s probably best to send a ticket to support: iOS: (click on “contact us“) PC: (click on “ us!”)
It’s probably best to send a ticket to support: iOS: (click on “contact us“) PC: (click on “ us!”)