Keg opening - Card count

Keg opening - Card count

Hello, its quite confusing that cards like Queensguard, Reaver Hunter, Wild Hunt Rider etc with alternate portraits get counted seperately when it comes to choice of a rare card in Keg opening. By now i can memorize how many of a certain type i have in my collection, but it is irritating, especially for new players. While i like the idea of having different portrait art, i think you should rework how they are implemented.
I look up at my Card Collection sometimes and mill the unnecessary cards. Best way to handle it so far for me.
Sure, but while youre choosing between the cards you cant check your collection( (to see if you already got 3 of the respective unit) without 3rd party tools.
You will later get all bronze cards, but they could improve the mill button to exclude those cards more efficiently.
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