Launcher Arm needs a "locked on" indicator AND rocket animation

As it is, right now it just "shows" itself, no reticle, no indication that an enemy is locked onto, and then fires. Then there's a small delay... then an explosion. But you never see the rocket, and you have no idea who you're locked onto.
It gets me killed as much as it kills others. I tried peeking corners like other smart weapons and dont realize its locking onto someone behind my cover, resulting in the rocket hitting me. I also hate that the other ammo types dont change the explosion. Tranquilizer should be a smoke cloud, not a violent explosive that can take out cars, yet still puts people to sleep non lethally.
It gets me killed as much as it kills others. I tried peeking corners like other smart weapons and dont realize its locking onto someone behind my cover, resulting in the rocket hitting me. I also hate that the other ammo types dont change the explosion. Tranquilizer should be a smoke cloud, not a violent explosive that can take out cars, yet still puts people to sleep non lethally.

I realize I probably shoulda replied to this instead of just giving it a RED Point, but I fully agree with you. Each ammo type should do different things. Also they should not be an infinite resource. I think your arm launcher should have an ammo count. You could craft on the fly I guess, but 10 rockets sounds reasonable to me. As for ammo types:

The militech incendiary rounds should explode and set things on fire (because maximum violence), and the stock incendiary rounds should airburst and drop fire upon its victims in less "explodey" fashion.

The electric rounds should result in an EMP explosion that also zaps enemies nearby. The range on the EMP should exceed the initial electrical burst and take out cameras, shut down robots, smart tech and TECH weapons, also disrupting optics and actuators, resulting in slows and stuns. But you should obviously be careful about getting too close.

Standard explosive rounds should produce a concussive effect, knocking back and knocking down those closest to the initial blast point. But because these have the least modifications, they should also have the best tracking. This would mean them flying UP and then BACK DOWN at their locked on targets. Because I'm tired of exploding due to the lack of a lock-on indicator.

Tranq rounds should quite honestly be darts. Forget the clouds, forget the explosions, just... a dart. Silent, quick, painless. Knocks a standard target out in 2-3s, knocks out the ROIDED TO HECK Animal juggernauts in 5-6, and has no sound at all BECAUSE IT'S A DART!

If you have no ammunition left, a secondary function should take over. A concussive cannon. You charge it up with a heavy fist attack, and anyone within a 1m cone in front of you should get knocked back and the closest person at point blank range should get knocked down and flung waaay back. Give us toys guys! COME ON!

Otherwise, yes. There should be a lock-on indicator, locking on should take 1 - 1.5s, being utilized with your Smart-Link and optics so that people stop accidentally blowing themselves up. If fired without locking on, should just fire STRAIGHT, a la "quickfiring". This is clearly a missing feature, and if it was overlooked, it shouldn't have been. Ammo should be limited, with an indicator listed by the Smart-Link/Optics.

Being able to see the size of grenade explosions should be "explosive radius", encompassing ALL explosives, launcher arm projectiles included (would help stay away from EMP rounds radius). Most of the "explosion" perks pertain to grenades, and should be fixed to include the launcher arm projectiles (excluding the tranq because it shouldn't be exploding in the first place).

You should also be able to load a mix of rounds so that you can deal with multiple situations. Dudes behind cover? Incendiary. Wanna take out the cover AND set them on fire? Militech incendiary. Robots/turrets? Electric rounds (should be renamed EMP rounds). Got cars being used as cover/barricades? Explosive rounds. Rounds shouldn't be mods, they should be loaded into the rotating magazine that should be in your forearm. Reloading should take 1s a round, and you should have a radial menu where we can choose what rounds go in what order. Close the radial, watch the reloading animation for as many seconds as you added rounds. Giving us a magazine limit makes it more worthwhile to use because then we should only be using it WHEN NECESSARY.

Finally, we should be able to SEE the rockets leaving the forearm launcher and be able to see them in flight. It is EXTREMELY underwhelming not being able to see what you launched.

There, I fixed the Launcher Arm. Please implement this, CDPR. It's desperately needed. Along with a ton of other features the other Arms weapons are in dire need of (will eventually post one for each).
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