Locked into starting main story line Spoilers!



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So after trying each life path and deciding which I liked the best, I noticed how quickly side missions added up in my inventory. So I thought I wonder how the game would be if instead of going immediately into the main story line, I just wandered around doing side missions a while? Seems like every time you enter a new area someone calls on the phone with something for you to do. First idea, when Jackie drops V off at the apartment after the Sandra Dorset mission, I'll just go wander around the neighborhood and see what I can do there. No dice. When you arrive at your apartment building you are sealed in it until you sleep and wake up the following day. Second thought, when Jackie picks V up the following morning let him wait there while I go out and explore the area. That worked but was limited because of the lock down. Third idea, let Dex sit by the side of the road and go out exploring, no good, lock down still in effect. Okay so go meet with Dexter, talk the Evelyn, go exploring? No. lock down still in effect. Okay go see Meredith Stout, then after the Maelstrom mission go exploring? No, lock down still in effect. Okay so it's off to Afterlife, after the meeting?, lock down still in effect. So it's into the cab and off to the hotel. Last chance, leave Jackie standing in front of the Hotel and go off exploring. Sorry, you're sealed in the entrance of the hotel. No way out. And no way to avoid starting the main quest.
I went for the ride with Dex and stopped there - yup still locked to one section of the city but I spent like 20hrs just doing everything possible before proceeding with "the Heist". After "The Heist" the city opens up and I no longer proceeded with the main arch once again... I just went to the Afterlife to met Rouge now, about 70hrs later. My three cards at the top are at 45 / 15 / 20... and I'm just starting the Nomad timeline.
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