My take on upcoming balance changes to Gwent

What I expect/suggest/foresee/whatever is the following:
  • Nerf to Ozzrel (probably limited to consuming card from enemy graveyard only), but also reduced provision cost;
  • Nerf to archespore (increase base power by 1, remove damage on deploy, keep damage on death); -- to compete with drowner for deck spot, not to complement it
  • Nerf to Kiyan (remove starting charge, but increase power by 1);
  • Nerf to Geralt: Yrden (affect only 3 adjacent units instead of row), but increased power by 1;
  • Buff to Geralt: Aard (+1 power)
  • Buff to Eldain (1 ability charge at start, gain charges whenever the opponent triggers a trap);
  • Reduce Crach's and Meve's provision by 1;
  • Nerf to Unicorn and Chironex (4 dmg/boost + 4 bonus changed to 3 dmg/boost + 5 bonus);
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