New dismantling system for inventory

With the new crafting system focused on materials from dismantling and the absence of auto dismantling, a new system should be added in to make the user experience a little easier on both time and inventory management.

1) Dismantle all button in the junk screen. Quick and easy, players have the option to sell or store the more valuable goods and the rest can be broken down into quick mats.

2) Make a marked as "junk" system, so instead of dismantling stuff like weapons and armor individually, marked items can all be broken down the materials with one "hold button" to dismantle action. This system can also double up as "sell all items marked as junk" in the vendor menus. Also, items marked as junk should be sorted underneath unmarked items, this also prevents accidental dismantling.
steel to find out , on 1.63 there' was a perk that can unloock with 5 pts on tech tree ( auto dismant junk ) , but its seems they remove it on patch 2.0..
even there's less junk to loot , i'm this guy/player loving collecting all junks on the map .
i spend a lot of time on inventory
1) dismant junk
2) craft common ressource mat for craft lv1
3) then craft ressource mat lv 2 ..
4) dismant cloth , all weapons
5) craft ressource lv 1 , craft ressource lv 2 ...

my skill ingenerie leveling very fast
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