no scope for precison rifle? really ?!

why did they remove sight/scope from precision rifles?! it's the dumbest move ever !
now those weapons are precision only in name, as they have become pretty much the least precise things, and can't be used for anything close to long/mid range... talk about useless, right ?!
might as well use a gun with a scope... !
common, fix that mistake, and sooner than later, please !
Which one ? M-179e Achilles ?
SOR -22 which is also precision rifle, still have a scope slot.
might as well use a gun with a scope... !
Except that handguns have a damage malus which increase exponentially with the distance :)
yeah, achilles, its iconic variant (widowmaker), also hypercritical... basically all those rifles that were midway to snipers have been made totally useless...
yeah, handguns have a damage malus, but they remain way more precise (because, big fancy scope, for a gun, but not a rifle)
half those precision rifle have such a huge "base" sight that, when the enemy is further than about 20 meters, it's literally impossible to target it, because it's "somewhere behind the "huge ass screen obstrucing sight"
why keep rifle sights for hanguns, but remove them for actual rifles ?! absolutely no logic there !
I can't say why and yes, seem annoying :(
(I rarely use/used these weapons, hence my question^^)
Maybe you can reach the support in case if it's a bug (at least expecting a more detailed answer than "it work as intended" if it's not a bug).
I haven't used an achilles ever really and SOR-22 not in a while so cant say how they handle now.
Would be a shame however because they would ideally function like a quickfire sniper indeed.

Would have to dive into it again to see whats what.
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