NR cards that deserve a buff imo

NR cards that deserve a buff imo

Since NR will barely get buffed in the patch i wanted to share what cards i believe are too weak and my suggestions:

Trebuchet: add 1 or 2 power
Kaedweni Siege Platform: add 1 power
Field Medic: change ability (since the open beta i have not seen this card played)
Tridam Infantryman: total change ( after the patch it will be a worse redanian knight)

Sabrina Glevissig: Change to deal 3 damage to all enemy units?
Prince Stennis: Add 2 power

Bloody Baron:Either change ability or make him 8 base power
Priscilla: Remove the return to deck ability and give her 2 more base power
Keira Metz: Better spell options
Agree on the Trebuchet as a bit more base strength would be good. The same for the reinforced Ballista, which is much worse than the normal one in my opinion.
I also agree one the strengthening of Siege Platforms and Stennis.
I absolutly disagree on the field medics. There effect is extremly strong and usefull against Nilfgaard as it completly counters Rot Tossers, and even spies in some situations. Furthermore it is usefull against weather and other damaging effects as it can just shuffle the damaged unit back and replace it by a normal one. In combination with Seargents they are even better, as they can bring between 6 and 30 points in the right situation. For me they are an absolutle must-have in any of my NR-decks.

Towards the rest I don't have an opinion as I have hardly seen them and don't play them myself.
FG15-ISH7EG;n8879910 said:
I absolutly disagree on the field medics. There effect is extremly strong and usefull against Nilfgaard as it completly counters Rot Tossers,

What is the interaction between Field Medic and Cow? Does the cow goes to your deck or simply dissapears?
Also how many field medics do you use in a deck? Doesnt field medic have a chance to summon another field medic?
The Cow will be shuffeld in your deck, which isn't that great, though you remove the Cow and get a an extra card on the field. As far as I remember you can get another field medic by using one. I use all 3 of them in my decks, as there are rarely situations when I don't find anything to shuffle back.
I'd opt for counters to NR being nerfed over those cards being buffed. The problem is NR already has a very powerful deck out there and any buffs to NR risk just ending up in that deck instead of creating new decks. If you buff control cards that can be run in multiple decks like trebs too much they'll just make their way into the really strong NR deck that's currently out there and not do much for NR overall. We saw this in CB when every NR deck just auto-included treb because it was so good.
MooshieMooshie;n8880130 said:
We saw this in CB when every NR deck just auto-included treb because it was so good.

I believe you are confusing the trebuchet with the reinforced trebuchet. Just compare trebuchet with ST dol blathanna trapper and you will see how weak trebuched is ( also they buffed the trapper to 5 for some reason). And they will also nerf reaver hunters wich is the only viable NR deck right now...

Dark clouds gather over Temeria- John Natalis
Once I have ten posts I will show some NR reworks I've been working on that I feel will be healthh for the faction.
Ahh poor pavetta. Even in NR buff post she is forgotten, and being the least played silver I believe in the entire game after her buff lol.

I don't have comment on bronze cards cuz some of those suggestions are already in the stream.

But for Sabrina I do think her problem is not how much damage she can deal but how difficult her ability can be triggered. Currently the entire NR deck has few option to generate 3 damage in 1 turn (only dethmond Roche, crewed siege machine). Or it can be achieved but require more than 1 turn setup with risk of wasting ammo (Trebuchet hit entire row and then sabrina trigger deathwish, why bother just hit the row again then Sabrina is pointless). Her ability do have potential to have power swing but is very inconsistent. What I think is her ability can be changed to deploy so it feels like a spying Fringilla Vigo or counter 1 or 2 so as a silver version of rot tosser. The best it can achieve is somewhere close to scorch or a reset so that counter to 20 power boosted unit can be dealt with.

NR golds on average have expected gain of 13 or 14 (Philipa, Roche or Keira I meant, since they seems to be most popular) and caps at 18 gain which is kinda miserable compared to other faction (don't think I need to elaborate on that) even after the buff. In fact this enables an interesting and awkward scenario where Johnny can brainlessly discard your baron and get a better gold card from your opponent
Seems like NR got hit most with nerf this patch...oh the irony

trebs need to get at least at 3 dmg lacerate with 2 crew man.

Because player has to go trough so much to set it up and getting just 3 dmg on 3 units is just not worth it anymore plus it is huge risk.
It doesn't make sense that sergeant can't buff silver card. That really brings power of NR down by a lot plus lost synergy.

In general all machines need buff since they feel useless.

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