Pls rework incoming calls and/or auto-mission marks....

I dont remember if it was the case before 1.2 as well but it starts to get most annoying that every incoming call marks that calls.mission automatically... if I freeroam or crime hunt I give a flying f*ck about main or side chars missions calls and even more for the automatically marked mission of those calls... especially the Delamain calls are getting super annoying in this regard.... or f.e if im nearly done with a gig and on my way to a delivery point I always lose track of that point by incoming random calls... giving me a hard time to find the current gig in my journal just to get back on track. Also im curious why there is no option to unmark missions at all... its just stupid that u need to workaround the GPS using either the Cypberpscho, Fool on the Hill or Beat the Brad mission to get rid of the yellow lines if u just wanna freeroam or explore the city.... or am I the only one who gets super annoyed by this game-design?... : /

And as we talk about calls if there isn't the option to deny incoming calls why the heck do we have this "take call" UI bs anyways? Its clearly fake so why not remove that one as well?...


Forum regular
I dont remember if it was the case before 1.2
It was the case. On PC I use a mod that allows me to "untrack" any mission. I agree it should be an option.
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