Second playthrough and this game hit me as hard as the first time. What about you?

I just finished my second playthrough and this game is just so good. Yes it has its flaws, but damn it's a good game on so many levels. One of the best game I have ever played, and most likely the game I will play the most in the years to come with the updates and DLCs.

For some reason, Jackie's death hit me even harder on the second playthrough even if I always knew he was gonna die (because of trailers)

I have tried different endings and I like all of them for different reasons. The writing, the music, the fact that you are most likely doomed whatever you choose. No easy happy ending like some people wish there were. I love it and I hate it, but it's how it is.

I really want CDPR to know that there are many of us who love the game even though a lot of people complain in the forums.

What are you thoughts, how did this game make you feel about the main story and "main sidequests"?
I realy love the game, for me its the best game 2020...
I have to say i play since version 1.05, so i didnt have any big problems like some people have..
yes, the the game still has some bugs... but nothing serious.. at last for me

And i realy love the story.
And for those who whant a happy end.. dont play Cyberpunk/Shadowrun... there is no happy ending
All in all I love the game. But the ending almost ruins it for me. To the game's credit I got very emotionally invested in the character's fate. And all the endings are so tragic. Had the game not been as good I wouldn't care so much. But as is the ending just hurts, and I played through the "happiest" of them. I've looked up what happens in the others and I'm glad I didn't play those. Not sure I could take it. For now I think I'm done. I'll wait to see what DLC or expansions they offer. If they make something that offers a more hopeful ending (and hopefully a hopeful ending for V) I'll definitely play it, cause I love the gameplay of this game. I get that Cyberpunk is a genre with dark themes. But in a year like 2020 I just don't need my entertainment to be so damn bleak!
I realy love the game, for me its the best game 2020...
I have to say i play since version 1.05, so i didnt have any big problems like some people have..
yes, the the game still has some bugs... but nothing serious.. at last for me

And i realy love the story.
And for those who whant a happy end.. dont play Cyberpunk/Shadowrun... there is no happy ending
Lol nice of you to tell us what to play and what not to.
I realy love the game, for me its the best game 2020...
I have to say i play since version 1.05, so i didnt have any big problems like some people have..
yes, the the game still has some bugs... but nothing serious.. at last for me

And i realy love the story.
And for those who whant a happy end.. dont play Cyberpunk/Shadowrun... there is no happy ending
Well I'll be, which of ALL shadowrun games are you talking about? Because the initial ones are rather... MUCH better than the last ones (and I say this as an Xcom lover lol), they're good ones mind you but not exactly the same, but I digress.

It would be interesting to see the game in its finished state instead of what we have now, again mind you not a bad game, but just not quite there yet even comparing to 2020's GOTY, sprinkle some 5 or so more hotfixes, one or two dlcs, maybe some Agency and RP to the RPG part and this game surely goes GOTY 2021
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I just finished my second playthrough and this game is just so good. Yes it has its flaws, but damn it's a good game on so many levels. One of the best game I have ever played, and most likely the game I will play the most in the years to come with the updates and DLCs.

For some reason, Jackie's death hit me even harder on the second playthrough even if I always knew he was gonna die (because of trailers)

I have tried different endings and I like all of them for different reasons. The writing, the music, the fact that you are most likely doomed whatever you choose. No easy happy ending like some people wish there were. I love it and I hate it, but it's how it is.

I really want CDPR to know that there are many of us who love the game even though a lot of people complain in the forums.

What are you thoughts, how did this game make you feel about the main story and "main sidequests"?

Try not to misunderstand some of the "complaints", one thing is to complain that you were utterly underdelivered on what you were told and a different one is to like the game altogether as a fanatic, yet another point is just to bash the game because you feel anger or akin emotions because of different reasons.

Lots of people like the game, where the story comes from and where it goes, but there's also no denying that the game truly underdelivered what was advertised, characters can feel hollow at times, quests can seem as a copy paste (and in some cases like the police scanners) they are, just there to fill the map.

Game has CLEARLY awakened passionate responses for a lot of people and some may seem to be on a warpath which is rather sad, but as I mentioned, not delivering what was advertised can be a tad bit annoying if anything.

Having said all that, game has really great elements, story being one, characters being another, but then it falls short on them too, maybe because this is just the first game, maybe because it was prematurely launched and content was clearly cut short, who knows at this point, although I'd argue that there's one happy(ish) ending depending on your viewpoint, if you look at it from a perspective that this game continues the 2023 story then it is a happy ending of sorts, more so when looking at that smirk, but then again, the whole theme was not made to be "happy" or at least the happy ever after endings is not something you see in this genre so often, would've been nice to see more influence of something like F. Pohl's work (Space merchants / Merchants war) in CP too, it is kind of visible, but well my bad I digress again.

Would love to see the characters a bit more fleshed out.
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The second play through for me was a bit disappointing. I expected a significant variation in the different life paths but in reality only the prologue is different. I tried to avoid the storyline and just see how it would progress in the open world and found that CDPR has really hemmed us in to the storyline in the beginning. It is tough to level up when you are stuck in one sector with no gigs and minimal encounters. I really don't want to relive all those cut scenes again or the silly bush league twitch gamer boss fights tbh.
The second play through for me was a bit disappointing. I expected a significant variation in the different life paths but in reality only the prologue is different. I tried to avoid the storyline and just see how it would progress in the open world and found that CDPR has really hemmed us in to the storyline in the beginning. It is tough to level up when you are stuck in one sector with no gigs and minimal encounters. I really don't want to relive all those cut scenes again or the silly bush league twitch gamer boss fights tbh.
I only recall two bossfights in the game and both were less than a minute long.
I tried to play a 2nd playthrough as a male V but 15ish hours in, I realized that I really missed my female V.

I completed the game with her via the "Happy ending" but She barely did any side quests. I wanted to sunset her for roleplaying reasons because I felt that her story was beautiful and poetic but I just missed her, So I ended up loading that save before the end and just reworking her.

Now I'm collecting things, min/maxing, exploring, taking my sweet as time doing side missions, etc. I'm just slow riding it and enjoying the fuck out of it...

And after experiencing the ending, it's nice to see Johnny every now and then too...

I legitimately enjoy this game and cried 3 times during the story... It's beautiful to me. I've got nothing but love for Cyberpunk 2077.
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