Shouldn't Quadra Type-66 Wingate have a missile launcher system?

The pre-2.0 armored nomad vehicles received machine guns, including Quadra Type-66 "Javelina", and Phantom Liberty added new variants of these vehicles, made available to be bought in the AUTOFIXER as we progress in El Capitán's missions. All new variants got a missile launcher system, except Quadra Type-66.

Thorton Colby "Little Mule" (machine gun only) [Base Game]
Thorton Colby "Vulture" (machine gun & missile launcher) [Phantom Liberty]

Thorton Galena "Gecko" (machine gun only) [Base Game]
Thorton Galena "Locust" (machine gun & missile launcher) [Phantom Liberty]

Archer Quartz "Sidewinder" (machine gun & missile launcher) [Phantom Liberty]
Archer Quartz "Specter" (machine gun only) [Base Game]

Mizutani Shion "Coyote" (machine gun only) [Base Game]
Mizutani Shion "Samum" (machine gun & missile launcher) [Phantom Liberty]

Quadra Type-66 "Javelina" (machine gun only) [Base Game]
Quadra Type-66 "Wingate" (machine gun only) [Phantom Liberty, was bugged before 2.02, so we could buy it but not use it]

"Missile launcher" variants cost €$10,000 to €$15,000 more than the "machine gun only" variant.
Curiously, both "Javelina" and "Wingate" cost €$99,000, basically just a reskin.
Quadra Type-66 "Hoon" is the third one, gotten for free through a mission ("I'm in Love with My Car"), only has machine guns.

Would be awesome if Wingate got an upgrade (price and missile launcher).
Well given the "Javelin" is actual US military rocket launcher that launches upwards in to the air and hits the target from above, I would expect "Javelina" to ABSOLUTELY have missile lanucher system.

Good point about the prices. I was always just grinding Caps missions to get so many discounts that I get the car I want for free xD So I never noticed.
It does seem odd that there is no Type-66 missile launcher variant. But there are 3, near identical, machine gun only variants.
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