Since 1.1 if I kill someone who is 'revealing your position' that message stays on my screen

Used to have this issue before 1.1.

There's also an issue where the revealing your position meter keeps charging after you kill the netrunner. I used to have this cyberdeck that drastically increases the upload time and would run around being "hacked/uploaded" for what felt like ages.

I don't even know the intended way for this to work but I assume the upload should be interrupted and the message cleared once the netrunner is eliminated.
I just save and then load, then my HUD is back to normal. This was pre 1.1, as of 1.1 I haven't had any problems like that.
UPDATE: Had to do a save&load HUD reset after the Pacifica Fistfight, where the 'life-bar' of Ozob remained even when I left the area.
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