Some visual bugs to fix

Hey there,

There are some visual bugs, that i notice not actual game breaking but still some nuances to fix on later patches,
The Thorton Galena "Locust" in the car selection as the same image as the gecko,
Sem Título1.png

The weapon stash in V's appartement there is a Lexington xmod2 on the display but if i take all weapons from the stash it still remains on the display, and i don't even have the weapon in question,
Sem Título.png

Now the save in question is an older save, i did had all weapons beforehand and is a test save and was before patch 2.0, just so i can build different builds and test all weapons, even go as far to unlock all things in this save just for testing builds and other stuff, could it be that but i don't know for sure, because i still have to get all weapons on my fresh save to test it out.
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