Stash bug

I have found a serious bug with the Apartment/Vehicle stash. After I craft an iconic weapon to a higher level (for example, from Rare to Epic), when I go to the stash a duplicate of the weapon, of the old quality, appears on the left (for example, upgraded Rare Fenrir to Epic Fenrir, I see on the left both a Rare and an Epic Fenrir). The lower quality duplicate cannot be transferred to the stash. After leaving the stash, the duplicate does not appear in the ordinary inventory, however it can be found in the All Items tab of the backpack. All the iconics I have upgraded remain there, only as images of the older (rare) version. If I go back to the stash, the duplicate which cannot be transferred appears again and this is confusing and annoying.
Already reported for me and I received an answer :)
Hello there,
Thank you for your message, and report.
We will look into the issue
In my opinion it's more a "ghost" remaining item (it appear only in the backpack, you can't do anything with. Can't equip, can't store it in the stash nor sell it). But it disappear after loading a save or quit and relaunch the game.
Anyway, I'm on Series X, so if you're on PC, you can report it too ;)
the dupes should vanish after saving and exiting and reloading the save.

Im having the exact same problem and its caused several CTD's so far
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