Tungsten-plated Pozer Jacket..... gone?!

Dear CDPR,

You guys removed the Tungsten-plated pozer jacket from the box in the vault with Eurodyne's guitar?


So now, there are NO legendary Pozer Jackets in the game aside from the craftable (which you do NOT get if you lack the cash to buy the pattern the first time you visit the shop) and the upgrade on Johnny's jacket which will most likely not have 4 mod slots.


I guess I am just losing patience. Just fix the fragging crafting and RNG on this gear.
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I just did the mission and I noted it gone too. Just another tank top in the box. I tried the reload thing a few times to see if it was random and it was the same tank top every time.
Yeah, it really sucks. It's gone, replaced by an ugly tank top. I was 'only' lvl 24 when I learned about this jacket's location and went there but was not able to get a legendary one, so I was 'saving' it to pick it up when I was lvl 33. But now it's gone. I can't find on internet if by chance it was moved somewhere else.
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