Update 2.0 Crashs

Well just downloaded it, even verified it today in the morning, but after starting the game it crashes to the desktop with the following error.

Anyone else got this issue? Have verified it once more after the patch but nothing. Also I should mention there no sound coming out of the speakers what so ever. Got no Mods installed and have a ryzen 5800x with a 3080 on a m.2 ssd
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Yep, even reinstalling does not work. Nice. PC MasterRace my A**
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mine crashed twice, but on the third try it started, but was slow loading first load screen.
I can't launch the game after update 2.0. I see the Cyberpunk logo and then it fails.

Processor AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor, 3600 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s)

OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045


Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 32,0 GB

Name Radeon RX Vega 64 LC
Installed Drivers C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\u0396094.inf_amd64_a90ea54eeab05481\B395672\aticfx64.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\u0396094.inf_amd64_a90ea54eeab05481\B395672\aticfx64.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\u0396094.inf_amd64_a90ea54eeab05481\B395672\aticfx64.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\u0396094.inf_amd64_a90ea54eeab05481\B395672\amdxc64.dll


  • errorpat.JPG
    12.8 KB · Views: 64
Same here, unable to even launch the game , i start the exe and it crash after a few second i get the cpdr bug windows that ask me to send the bug report and that's it , i've reinstalled my NVIDIA drivers but still does nothing


Forum regular
I get a TweakDB File is Corrupted Error and did try a Repair on Steam but didn´t help :/
  1. Confirm you're still meeting the hardware requirements for this game
  2. install latest drivers -> test
  3. Remove mods -> test
  4. Verify game files -> test
  5. Reinstall game -> test
  6. post bug report -> wait :(
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Well just downloaded it, even verified it today in the morning, but after starting the game it crashes to the desktop with the following error.
View attachment 11362147

Anyone else got this issue? Have verified it once more after the patch but nothing. Also I should mention there no sound coming out of the speakers what so ever. Got no Mods installed and have a ryzen 5800x with a 3080 on a m.2 ssd
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Yep, even reinstalling does not work. Nice. PC MasterRace my A**
Go to
%LocalAppData%\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077\
and delete UserSettings.json

> -this should resolve most people's crash issues
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I had to delete everything related to cyberpunk from my pc and reinstall it, then it started working.
So delete everything from %APPDATA% as well as the whole install folder. then do a restart of course before reinstalling again.
mine was crashing too i had to clear the whole folder reinstall and turn off the option "enable mods" on the redlauncher cause it stayed ticked since i last played
Crash after hitting launch in the red laucnher:

Registered crash info file...
InternalVersion: 3.0.4902785 P4CL: 6408866 Stream: //R6.Root/R6.Release
Error Reason: Unhandled exception
Message: The thread attempted to read inaccessible data at 0x154E0F97AC0.
File: <Unknown>
Line: 0

I'm guessing there is a file missing, or a filepath got messed up?
mine crashed twice, but on the third try it started, but was slow loading first load screen.
I think it might do some shader precaching or something else, because on the first 3 boots the start logo was very low fps.
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Well just downloaded it, even verified it today in the morning, but after starting the game it crashes to the desktop with the following error.
View attachment 11362147

Anyone else got this issue? Have verified it once more after the patch but nothing. Also I should mention there no sound coming out of the speakers what so ever. Got no Mods installed and have a ryzen 5800x with a 3080 on a m.2 ssd
Post automatically merged:

Yep, even reinstalling does not work. Nice. PC MasterRace my A**
I had a crash on first boot, then I updated my nvidia drivers, then it worked
I am absolutely unable to load even just the benchmark without my game Flatlining, let alone load any save file. I send the report each time.

I'm glad that the update is stable for the majority of people, but to be honest for me this is very frustrating because I did a clean reinstall twice, and each time followed the official instructions (link) down to the last letter (deleting the folders, mods, and so on). I also did a clean reinstall of the latest drivers. Nothing works, whereas the game ran flawlessly on 1.63 and I don't recall ever experiencing a single crash or freeze. Now, it's the total opposite.

I likely won't even be able to play PL on the 26th, as CDPR released 2.0 merely 5 days before the expansion drops, which ain't enough time to fix issues like mine. I also tried deleting the UserSettings.json like somebody here suggested, but all it did was cause the game to crash at the very startup right after main logo appears - just like somebody already described in this thread.
Same here, I start the game up just fine and then within a minute or two it crashes out - usually inside Padre's car as he's driving you after talking to Kirk. Game will flatline - and then I have troubles even launching the game. Wont even load up and I get a flatline. Only a reinstall will let it go forward.
2.0 crashes randomly - as I was in Pacifica when it started the silliness, I bought PL, just in case it was related... Crashes out even more!
No mods, everything up to date, so filed a report to Support. Multi-platform switched off from the get go.
Oddly, it was fine until I arrived in Pacifica!
Tried some of the suggestions above, let's see if they made any difference when I play later.
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