What’s new in Night City? [Patch 1.2 development insight]

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I dont if the game is bad for me I move on and forget about it I dont spend my precious time shitting on developer or trolling social media 4 months after the release. That's what I did with Mass effect 3 when the whole internet was having a meltdown over the ending I was already playing something else.

People will move on, including me, if the upcoming patch doesn't hold-up to at least some level of expectations !

There will be always player's, which just look through their pink glasses and defend everything they get served, no matter what and no matter how bad the content is.

Everyone has it's own bullshit-accepting-threshold and will drop-out sooner or later.

As an example, I upgraded my rig several times for Arma-3, where I even purchased the Supporter-Edition of the game, just to try to do my own bit, to try to get an acceptable performance outcome, because their engine was crap performance-wise and pretty much only used a single CPU-Core and no matter how much CPU-Overclock + fast RAM + 1 - 2x GPU's I and others were throwing at it, it was still performing like crap and I only played it for 20 hours so far, which were mainly benchmarks, before I dropped it for good.

I have it still installed and the Devs still update the game regularly, but there are no real performance and AI improvements and I haven't played the game in years.

I have far more than 1000x games installed at all times and why should I waste my little spare time on something I don't enjoy ?
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Will this patch also help fix the constant crashes that I have been experiencing after a recent windows update during mid March because it worked fine before it all though it crashed a few times, but after the windows update during game play it crashed 20 times and I tried everything and it all failed. The game would load and then I select a saved game and it loads that and I play for a few minutes and then the game freezes for a few seconds and then it crashes.
Like Vattier says in post 58 "These are just some of the changes we decided to highlight. We will share full patchnotes later."

Means, there is many more stuff that CDPR has fixed in patch 1.2!

But from patch 1.1 to 1.2 it's impossible to fix 100% of the games bugs!
This time period is to short!
The community expectations are to high for the 1.2 patch.
CDPR fix something, but not that many things as the community expect!
The game will not be drastically change, or even has a massive better gaming experience after 1.2!

The community will still be negative even after the 1.2 patch and that´s why i said "the community expectations are too high"

The shout out after 1.2 will be negative as always after the other patches before, so it's clearly a community thing and there expectations!

Stay healthy guys!

Still, CDPR are the ones, which overpromised and underdelivered.

Don't push the hype-train, if you can't deliver or live up to it.

If the outlook would have been a bit smaller in scale etc, then some people wouldn't have pre-ordered the game, which wouldn't have been bad at all, because the actual crowd, which would now wait for updates and fixes, would be less angry or disappointed.

Then later-on, they would gain additional buyer's, if they're able to deliver more and / or better content, than the ones sitting on the fence-line had expected in the first place.

If you are planning to support your game for some time to come, then there is no need to bullshit, just to get more pre-orders and day-1 purchases.
Still, CDPR are the ones, which overpromised and underdelivered.

Don't push the hype-train, if you can't deliver or live up to it.

NOTHING was promised to you first of all. Showing a demo isn't a promise it's a percived vision of where they think the game will end up as. Now did they over hype, not temper expectations and under-deliver those near impossible expectations? That I totally agree with and that is on them.
This game is a story-driven rpg where the protagonist is NOT a blank toon that can be whoever you want. It's a mercenary with a fixed personality. He's not some thug or mafia goon like in GTA, or a bandit like in RDR, where it totally make sense to have a full working and believable wanted system because, you know, you play as an outlaw who sometimes randomly kill people because it makes sense, given the character you're impersonating. But in this game you're NOT a criminal

The game web page literally says in multiple places "You play as a mercenary outlaw" including the first paragraph and the second major descriptive section of the web page.

How many people people does V outright murder before the end of the Heist? How much property does he/she destroy? How much is the Relic chip he/she steals worth? Half the missions in the game are illegal activity.

You and I have different definitions of criminal.
NOTHING was promised to you first of all. Showing a demo isn't a promise it's a percived vision of where they think the game will end up as. Now did they over hype, not temper expectations and under-deliver those near impossible expectations? That I totally agree with and that is on them.
Boy that's a mighty thin slicing of the language.

If a car manufacturer says "our new models will be the most luxurious vehicles ever designed" and the dashboard is made of plywood and the seats are filled with packing peanuts, is that a failed promise? I mean, it's subjective so I guess you could make the argument that packing peanuts seats are really the best seats ever. And maybe plywood is a "luxurious" material by some odd standard.

Would you accept that logic? If so...why? If not, why would you accept it from a game company?

I'm in the camp that loves this game already.

Um...except for that AWFUL driving function. It's so bad I had to skip the Sinnerman quest, and I really hate to have to do that, but after half a dozen fails, it was either that or throw my $5,000 laptop out the window.

So PLEASE fix the PC driving.
Thats it? :censored: This is more a hotfix.

Dude, where do they say those are the only changes coming? why don't you wait for the patch notes in order to...... give your opinion?

Just by doing so you would save yourself that comment and the general feeling that no matter what they do, there would always be people that "just want to watch the world burn".

CDPR, our nods of approval are not a "welcome back party", but they're a start, just keep the good work and you would have your impreza full of joytoys.
One of the more scrutinized aspects of patch 1.2 will be how CDPR solve the 'police' problem. If they indeed deliver a realistic chase system as seen in other open world games, then it will be an indication that CDPR went to the roots of one of the (many) problems this game has and tried to devise a new solution. If, on the other side, they will only increase the distance at which patrols spawn (as some people here suspect), then it doesn't bode well for the game or the future of the franchise and even for future CDPR games .

Once a studio bleeds talent, it's difficult to replace it and also to rebuild a solid team that must exist at the core of each studio that wished to create a videogame - any video game. You just can hire X number of people, no matter how skilled or experienced, put them together in the same building and hope that they deliver the perfect videogame.
Regarding driving, I hope this is balanced especially for players like me who only drive from inside the vehicle. I do not manage to master and above all; enjoy driving from the outside. {it's much more enjoyable to drive inside our car in the city and badlands; feelings}
another question; the mission with the Delamain taxis, in particular the crazy taxi that must be broken in order to force it to obey. I hope the police will not apprehend us while we are doing everything to avoid a catastrophe {a mad taxi?; that's crazy...}
People will move on, including me, if the upcoming patch doesn't hold-up to at least some level of expectations !

There will be always player's, which just look through their pink glasses and defend everything they get served, no matter what and no matter how bad the content is.
Dude, it's just a patch.

So anyone who wasn't really liking the current 1.12 isn't going to find giant enjoyment in this one. This patch is only going to fix some minor issues (many who've I've not had issues with) and make gaming experience a little easier for driving, (and I assume) crafting etc.
How do you provoke police in this game? By shooting at passers-by. Does the game provide any incentive for you to do that? No. Does the game provide any incentive outside of free-roaming (during main quest and gigs)? Yes, just once.
Do you have a reason to steal cars? No, you don't get to keep them and you can "summon" one of your cars whenever you want.
Now compare how these things work in CP2077 to how they work in GTA5 (you're repeatedly required in main story and side missions to escape from police, you get to keep stolen cars, you can't call them to your location, so it's far more convenient for you to find someone else's and take them whenever you need a ride). Maybe that's why CDPR and Rockstar didn't assign same priority to this aspect of their games.

That can be said about any game. There is no need to antagonize NPC and provoke police in RDR, Far Cry, Watch Dogs, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Skyrim etc. But it is nice to know if I do something, what game originally allows me to do, I'll get the decent outcome.

As for me personally, I don't like to kill or hurt NPC without a reason, even in GTA, but sometimes It happens, like car accident, "friendly fire", or someone else attacked me, or I steal something while police is watching - and it's ok to expect that the game will react to this in a decent way.

As for the fact there are not much events where we have to (by demand of the story) do things like escaping the chase on car, well, seems like a wasted potential for me, the game about criminal city of future has no actual criminals, police and cars usage.

Honestly guys that is beyond me why do you keep justifying obvious flaws of this game. It has it's good sides indeed, but I find it extremely hard to ignore it's bad sides as well
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I guess I'm confused on why some people who clearly have a negative perception of this game are still coming here to follow updates and to keep venting
Why not? Only positive discussions are allowed? I was highly disappointed with Game of thrones series ending and there a lot if people that share that opinion, and I participated in a lot of discussions about how bad GoT scenario was, negative discussion is still a discussion. Besides, critics is useful for the creators of stuff too.

Cyberpunk is not just some casual shooter which arrives to game stores every year, it was expected and anticipated game, and I still expect some significant upgrades for this game for my second playthrough, which I'm going to start in a year or smth, when story DLC will be out.
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How many people people does V outright murder before the end of the Heist? How much property does he/she destroy? How much is the Relic chip he/she steals worth? Half the missions in the game are illegal activity.

You and I have different definitions of criminal.

That's why i said V is not a criminal in the PUREST sense of the word. Of course he commits crimes, but all civilian NPC casualities are just non-intentional, collateral damage. In CP lore, being a mercenary is almost like a normal job. Heck, mercenaries have a friggin' club where they talk freely about their jext jobs, and for the most part they operate in broad daylight. Of course they do illegal stuff, but it can't be compared with, say, GTAV's three protagonists, which are scumbags who literally chose to earn their living by robbing banks, smuggling drugs and all types of shady business, or RDR series main characters who are BANDITS robbing people and assaulting trains, constantly on the run. In CP77 you do illegal stuff, yes, but given the context and the world in which the story takes place, it's almost a career like another. In this context, V can be seen as an anti-hero. He/she is not trying to become some sort of crime-lord. And that's one of the reasons why the focus of the story is NOT on criminal gangs and you don't directly work for them (and that's another thing people constantly whine about, completely missing the point of the story and scope of the game). That's why i say a full flashed out wanted system isn't the most important thing the devs should work on at the moment.

Anyway we're going off-topic. I look forward to the other changes the patch is going to introduce, and sincerely hope CDPR will continue improving on the game, because i'm having a blast and i can't wait for future DLCs and additions to the very good (if quite rough around the edges and buggy) game it already is, at least on new consoles and pc.

Guest 3847602

That can be said about any game. There is no need to antagonize NPC and provoke police in RDR, Far Cry, Watch Dogs, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Skyrim etc. But it is nice to know if I do something, what game originally allows me to do, I'll get the decent outcome.
Yes, it's nice to have the game react in more complex ways to player committing crime, but the way it is now doesn't make it the end of the world to me and many others. I like GTA, RDR2 and KCD, but I can enjoy my time with Cyberpunk without police chasing me (like in GTA) or jail system (like in RDR2 and KCD).
As for the fact there are not much events where we have to (by demand of the story) do things like escaping the chase on car, well, seems like a wasted potential for me, the game about criminal city of future has no actual criminals, police and cars usage.
Again, I don't find it necessary. Car chases are simply not something I'd ever try to initiate on my own. Ever. I simply don't care about this stuff nearly enough to desperately need it in every open world game with cars.
Honestly guys that is beyond me why do you keep justifying obvious flaws of this game. It has it's good sides indeed, but I find it extremely hard to ignore it's bad sides as well
Justification I'm providing is this: I've pretty much got no use for it, the game doesn't push you toward harming innocent NPCs and there's about 3 dozen things I'd rather see introduced in this game than car chases.
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