The Last of Us

I cant wait to see what Naught Dogs PS4 project is.Also whats with all the hate on The Last Of us.I mean im sure if it was a PC exclusive you would be bragging your butts off. Anyway enough of the pathetic platform wars.Also did you know the guy that voice for Joel is the same guy who voiced Booker in Bioshock Infinite.


Forum veteran
Also, I liked Twilight. Ha- HA!
How? I got tricked into watching the first one before I knew what it was, and it was just... so painful. Kristen Stewart's acting makes me want to tear my eyes out of their sockets and throw them into a meat grinder.

I mean im sure if it was a PC exclusive you would be bragging your butts off. Anyway enough of the pathetic platform wars.
You know many of us have PS3s, right? I love mine dearly and make love to it nightly, and yet you accuse those who criticize this of being blindly pro-PC? Bite your tongue, good sir or ma'am! You shan't deny my love! This looks overwrought purely on the basis of the video, with the platform being an entirely irrelevant factor.

Also, years ago I owned (and enjoyed, headaches aside) a Virtual Boy. I feel as though that should give me a free pass from ever being accused of being involved in platform warfare.
f it was a PC exclusive you would be bragging your butts off.

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How dare you sir! I despise exclusives for exclusives sake of any kind! I scuff at your petty foolery. One of the best things RED ever did was bringing the Witcher to the XBox and I'm dancing like a kangaroo to see its happening again. I wish others would do the same.


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..How do kangaroos dance? Why do I know I will regret asking this question?

I liked Twilight the books, except Book 4 which hurt.

Mostly because Bella in the books is a cool, sparky, cynical kid who falls for a nice boy who turns out to be really, really screwed up. And undead. I liked it! It was sweet! She's a real pain in the ass, too, unlike in the movies. Oh, and the fight scenes in Book 3 are quite, quite good for super-on-super combat.

I'm kind of a big supernatural fan: I ran and played Vampire, a bit of Werewolf, most editions of Mage, Wraith, even Demon! So, yeah. Gothy-super-powered-horror-blood is a thing.


Forum veteran
Oh, you're talking about the books. That's different. I'd think that filling several books with awkward staring and poor line deliveries would take more work than just writing the book well in the first place, so I'm more or less assuming that weak casting and a poorly-translated screenplay let down otherwise solid material. I'd have drawn a parallel to Red Riding Hood, which was honestly even worse than the Twilight movie as far as overdriven emotion porn goes, but figured it'd be smart to go with something people know exists. Nevertheless, it would have been a better comparison since that movie was 90% moody expressions and unrealistic dialogue tripe (the other 10% being snow and Gary Oldman).

I don't have a problem with emotion porn, survival or romance-based. I just wish that the characters in said emotion porn came across more like real people and less like bipolar tweens or soap opera actors who can only communicate with exaggerated expressions to show just how intense their feelings are:

I just wish that the characters in said emotion porn came across more like real people and less like bipolar tweens or soap opera actors who can only communicate with exaggerated expressions to show just how intense their feelings are

See, that's a bit of a catch 227 (see what I did there?)

The line between portraying emotion real enough to affect even the most emphatically challenged (I don't mean you, I mean in general) Average Joe out there, and portraying something corny and cliched is incredibly thin, yet there's this thing called the Uncanny valley, a line which when crossed makes you not feel empathy, but revulsion, towards the robot, or in this case an animated character (applies to animation as well.)

So, the less emphatically inclined you are, the more realistic a portrayal of human emotion is required to turn that particular key inside you, except because of the aforementioned, it's quite possible that the line towards "too human" is crossed, and thus it becomes impossible for you to feel any real emotion towards this machination, whether animated or not.

I'm not saying you personally are a cold human being, unable to be brought to tears easily, and I'm not saying these characters in this game aren't corny and cliched and annoying. I'm just saying any the above might be quite possible. :cool:
Alright guys i get it lol.Thank for not yelling at me.Anyway does anyone think this will get GOTY or will Bioshock Infinite? I cant really see GTA V getting it.
Macleod makes a good point. I think the gap is made up by the writing. We can force ourselves past the Uncanny valley more easily if the writing has us sympathizing with the characters despite their weird facial expressions.

Not that the Uncanny Valley is all that convincing, either. Many people want to empathize with their subjects and even while their brain is saying, "Not Normal" they are finding reasons to try to understand what they are seeing with their own internal emotional lexicon. We'll see how solid the UV theory is in the next few decades.

Game of the Year is a pretty subjective value Dino. Yours will not be mine, probably. GOTY is an arbitrary standard typically used to push production agendas. I certainly hope The Last of Us will be good and that GTA IV will be good. I'll probably have more fun with GTA4 and be more intrigued with Last of Us.


Forum veteran
See, that's a bit of a catch 227 (see what I did there?)
Oof. That's both the best and worst thing I've read all day.

So, the less emphatically inclined you are, the more realistic a portrayal of human emotion is required to turn that particular key inside you, except because of the aforementioned, it's quite possible that the line towards "too human" is crossed, and thus it becomes impossible for you to feel any real emotion towards this machination, whether animated or not.
Are you suggesting that the characters are written that way on purpose in order to avoid the uncanny valley? That's something I hadn't even thought of, actually. Wonder if this is how other games will be as graphics get better and better? Personally, I'm hoping that we get to such a high graphical point that realism becomes boring/typical and developers move away from it altogether.

I'm also open to the possibility that the tone and pacing of the game justifies the scenes in the video, but that they were haphazardly thrown in there minus context to show off the miscellaneous character prettiness (and they do look really good graphics-wise, especially for the PS3).

Anyway, it's way too early to consider GOTY stuff, but I'm confident that whatever game has the most money and hype backing it will get showered in GOTY praise at the end of the year regardless of merit. Cough Skyrim cough.
It's quite possible that the characters in question are just written and/or animated to be corny and cliched without any ulterior motives, simply because that's how whoever created them thought they should look.

I do think, however, that a certain stylized approach to animation and 3D rendering might be a better choice than trying to do something ultrarealistic. If you think of any movies where there's been a CGI human character among real humans and real scenery, chances are you'll remember them because they didn't look real at all. As far as creating human characters via CGI and fitting them into live action goes, you kind of have to reach for that ultrarealism, but if we're talking about a virtual world, I think it would be a safe bet to keep it on some kind of a stylized level that is clearly made up.

A good example is the Cyberpunk 2077 teaser trailer. It's made to look somewhat realistic, but I feel there's a certain stylistic element there that allows it to be CGI.

Or you could have non-human characters. Gollum, for example.

But yeah, I've not seen that much of this game (TLoU), so I can't really say. I'm sure it's just crappy. :cool:
I was kinda upset when i heard they are not going to release it for PC, i was even more upset when i heard GTA V may not come to PC (I mean, my PS3 died a while ago and i can always buy a new PS3 but its still upsetting)
It's always upsetting, because it's does the consumer (us) a disservice. It's unnecessary and grossly manipulative. All the excuses come down to a simple truth: they think they, ( typically the platform provider that encouraged the production company to do this), can make more money by cutting out your preferred platform and forcing you into getting another. If you can afford it. Tiresome.
It's always upsetting, because it's does the consumer (us) a disservice. It's unnecessary and grossly manipulative. All the excuses come down to a simple truth: they think they, ( typically the platform provider that encouraged the production company to do this), can make more money by cutting out your preferred platform and forcing you into getting another. If you can afford it. Tiresome.

I feel same way. They make excuses that doesn't really make any sense.. They talk about not releasing games to PC because of all the pirating.. Like those people don't pirate console games.. That's just ridiculous.. I don't know if you've read the article about xbox 360 console bans (half of xbox players banned in one day), they simply mod their consoles and than just play any game they like, they don't even have to wait for someone to crack the game. When i'm playing on PC, i pay for the game i want and sometimes i'm not even able to play the game because of the online drm not working properly (Simcity), but pirated copies just play as they please. How the hell is that fare? They are just killing PC gaming for stupid reasons..
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