Text appearing over characters' heads

So, I turned off the "Background chats" option under Interface options when I first started playing this game. Everything was fine, until a couple days ago I noticed text boxes appearing over random NPCs heads when they spoke. The option is still turned off. I think this is a bug, but it's possible I'm missing something. Anyone else seeing this?

Side note, we should be able to turn off all subtitles, including in cutscenes. They are distracting and detract from immersion, at least for me.
Same here, really annoying!
Maybe they talk a different language ?
(like sometimes Tygers Claws, Valentinos or Voodoo Boys)
Because even if you disable subtitles, if the speakers (NPCs or whatever) speak in different language from that of the game (yours), the subtitles appear (above for NPC and "normally" if "important" speaker).
(like Saburo who speak in japanese in the Konpeki, subtitles appear even if you disable them... not too bad, I think).
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