Welcome to The Hairy Bear: The Witcher Off-Topic [Archived]

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To continue the bad weather..i'm talking about 60-80% +/- of humidity (I'm not really sure about it, i forget about it all the time, but it's the average i guess.)
Good luck there @gregski! But just in case can I have your TW1 Polish CE? (assuming you have one like every respectable Polish national does).

Moving on, in celebration of GOG starting their Linux branch I have hops, water, malted grains and yeast for everyone to compile their own beer!
Talking about the weather, I hope it clears out here before Saturday, as that's when I'm starting my motorboat pilot course. Wish me luck! And lots of moniez, so one day I can get invite you for a cruise at the Mediterranean on a beauty like this one:

Powodzenia! I wish you tailwind and seven feet under the keel! :victory:

I certainly do! One that causes him to lose an arm, both legs aaaaand..an eye. Yes. Maybe his hearing - who wouldn't want cyber-hearing?

Change your mind, while you still can! :mean:

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Ciri put a bandaid on your elbow?

No, she scratched and opened my elbow up when I picked her up! She managed to force one of the kitchen windows open and got out the front, so I ran out there to pick her up and bring her back in and she scratched my elbow and stuck her claws into my chest! This is no laughing matter, it hurt like hell!
Don't worry I've already washed the wound and applied cream. I'm taking her into the vet as this cannot continue.

It definitely sounds as though there's something wrong with her, so yes, probably for the best, let them find out what's wrong. Hope you're both OK soon.

And is it just me, or does that look like a model of a boat?
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