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But where's the booze? Any local liquor you'd like to show us, <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention -->
@<a href="http://forums.cdprojektred.com/member.php?u=2003978" target="_blank">wichat</a>
<!-- END TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention -->?

One juft for no filling the thread with them :p

Coneguda més enllà de les seves fronteres tradicionals, el seu consum es comença a estendre per tot Catalunya. I molta gent, se la fa a casa.
En la seva elaboració no hi poden faltar les nous verdes. Camamilla, romaní, farigola, gingebre en pols, macís... són algunes de les divuit plantes i espècies que es fan servir per fer la ratafia. Una vegada tinguin totes les plantes, les barrejaran amb crema d'anís i les deixaran reposar a sol i serena quaranta dies. Les casolanes tenen l'encant que, cada any, surten diferent.

Known beyond its traditional boundaries, its consumption is starting to spread throughout Catalonia. And many people, it does at home.
In its preparation can not miss the new green. Chamomile, rosemary, thyme, ginger, mace ... are some of the eighteen plants and species that are used to make liquor. Once you have all the plants, mixed with anise cream and leave to stand alone and serene forty days. The home has charm, every year, out differently.

Got a ton of health tests done, from blood to physical, to get my insurance in order when I move. At least now I know I'm healthy :) Time to celebrate with booze and unhealthy food!

Here's to your health! Have a rather shady Cognac:

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Congratulations. Let's hope you can keep ahead of all the tasks they set you. I work highly irregular hours myself: sometimes 4.00 PM - 12.30 AM, sometimes 7.00 AM - 3.30 PM, and other times 12.30 PM - 9.00 PM. It keeps things varied, with shifts on both week-ends and week-days. It's not a desk-job, though, so I hardly ever see a paperclip.

I should be managing okay. I have been doing jobs for people that I don't officially support in my role, because I need stuff to do :p

I don't mind having set hours or being in an office, but working 9-5 just means I have so little time during the week, it's kinda depressing. Buuut then I see my pay cheque and I feel so much better :')

---------- Updated at 05:42 PM ----------

Also!!!! Is anyone watching Wimbledon?
Heather Watson is actually beating Serena Williams at the moment! She's really doing well.
Well, squirrels merely look cuddly. They can actually be rather fierce little monsters, no matter where they're found.

As you can see, they may even attempt to hijack your car!

And, with this invaluable caution, I here end my squirrel posts.
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